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但是这样有点笨拙。But that's a little unwieldy.

数据集变得难以处理。The data set was getting unwieldy.

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这是个有些难以处理的问题。This is kind of an unwieldy problem.

再长一点点都会过于笨拙。Anything longer would be too unwieldy.

好吧,换张床可能太费事或太贵了。OK, the bed may be too unwieldy or expensive to replace.

之所以定义前缀,是因为URI和URL非常难用。We use the prefixes because URIs and URLs can be pretty unwieldy.

可以想像到,这会快速地消耗大量内存。As you can guess, this quickly consumes an unwieldy amount of memory.

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通常跟弓箭手一样高,这些弓具有长射程,巨大的威力但是已经不实用了。Often as tall as the archer, these bows have long range and power, but are unwieldy.

同样,如果应用程序暂时遍布很多地方,那么其架构将是笨拙的。Also, if the application has been around for a while the architecture can become unwieldy.

商人和市民们气喘吁吁地拖着沉重的一大堆金属来履行买卖双方的义务。Merchants and citizens struggled to fulfil their obligations with unwieldy piles of metal.

这可以是一个困难的工作,因为你可以结束的团队,太烦琐来管理。This can be a difficult job because you can end up with a team that is too unwieldy to manage.

针对单兵作战的恐怖组织,传统的军事力量显得笨拙,无法起到良好的打击效果。For isolated cells and other groups, conventional military weapons are unwieldy and often ineffective.

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例如,如果存在大量用户,这样的界面将变得笨拙,因此基于搜索的系统将更好。For example, this would become unwieldy with a large number of users, so a search-based system would be better.

可知,笨拙的面板是太阳能发电的一个缺陷,因为它看上去与传统的房屋结构不相称,故选。One drawback to solar-generated electricity is the unwieldy panels, which look out of place on a traditional home.

并且认为家用的临床设备是浪费和笨拙的。They were also treated with large, in-clinic devices that would be both cost-prohibitive and unwieldy for home use.

他有一条捕鲸船,以往常常出海打鱼,如今气力不支,弄不了这条笨重的破船了。He has a whale boat and used to go fishing in it, but now he is no longer strong enough to manage its unwieldy bulk.

共和县恰卜恰镇有哪些经营海南州笨地小吃的老字号餐馆?Who eatery managing unwieldy Hainan State field snack old and famous shop does the republic county Qiabuqia town have?

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当你面临的某项任务显得太大时,将其分解成若干项较小的、更容易对付的任务也许会有所助益。When you are facing too unwieldy a task, it might be helpful to break it down into several smaller and easier subtasks.

如果说我们作为个体需要很好的推动来摆脱自己的舒适区的话,那么范围更广的组织就更需要强有力的撞击。If we as individuals need a good push to get us out of our comfort zones then unwieldy organisations need a mighty shove.

另外,一些粗笨东西放在阳台上,要采取一定的安全措施,免得东西掉下去伤人。Additional, a few unwieldy things are put on the balcony, want to take certain safety precaution, lest thing drops a person.