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也许,我永远只是你生命中的插曲。Perhaps, I forever am only in your life interlude.

随后四年,是繁荣的间歇期。The following four years were a prosperous interlude.

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克伦斯基为专制统治时期的小插曲在历史上占有一席之地。Kerensky has a place in history of a brief interlude between despotisms.

克伦斯基为专制统治时期的小插曲在历史上占有一席之地。Kerensky has a place in history, of a brief interlude between despotisms.

还有,去掉这个精巧的、快乐的中间插曲也将是一个重大损失。And yet the exclusion of this ingenious, joyful interlude would be a great loss.

有人认为未来将会有一段相对安全的“间歇期”。Some have argued that there will be a relatively secure interlude in the future.

也许那离我们太遥远了,那就让我告诉你我经历的一个小插曲。Maybe that's too far from us. Let me tell you a small interlude that happened to me.

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由于那部电影大获成功,它的插曲也很受欢迎。Since that film scores a great success, its interlude songs are also much sought after.

倘若和平不应当仅仅是两次战争之间狂热的插曲,那么处罚措施是必不可少的。Penalization is essential if peace is to be more than a feverish interlude between wars.

然后有一段插曲,一只鹰飞来,向所有人高喊,祸哉。And then you have an interlude where this eagle comes through and announces woes on everybody.

祷告间歇的安静时刻是尽情品味威严的巴德夏希清真寺的最佳时间。A quiet interlude between prayers is the best time to savor the majesty of the Badshahi Mosque.

这并未影响哈代关于人类在水中栖息期间失去了毛发的理论。None of this affects Hardy's theory that humans lost their body hair during an aquatic interlude.

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歌曲结束时,Yorke在一段十分刺耳的吉他间奏后反复地嘶吼。The way that the song ends, with repeated screams from Yorke, after a very strident guitar led interlude.

在中期选举之后短暂的时间内,美国人似乎愿意接受德国人节约的理念了。FOR a brief interlude after the mid-terms Americans seemed seduced by the siren song of Germanic austerity.

你的生命只是在这广阔的时空中从你不存在到你死去的一小段时间而已。Your life represents a tiny interlude between the vast times when you did not exist and when you will be dead.

对于他们来说,这里的学习只不过是人生路上的一个短暂插曲,他们本来没有必要对这段时间牵肠挂肚的。For them, study here is only a short interlude in their life. They do not have to hold lingering memories about it.

很抱歉,我已经得出结论,你仅仅是我生命中的一首插曲,可以说就像岁月中的一个间歇一样。I’ve come to the conclusion, I’m afraid, that you have been merely an interlude in my life, a kind of intermission, as it were.

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欧冠淘汰赛两个月之后才会开战,在这段短暂的时间里,我们可以全力以赴的应对国内联赛了。The Champions League is still more than two months away and after this very brief interlude our attention goes back to the Premiership.

阿芙洛狄特的故事以及她与属于人类的阿多尼斯之间的插曲,构成了对激情的表里双重意义的有趣的研究。The story of Aphrodite and her interlude with the human Adonis makes for an interesting study of the double edged sword that passion can be.

他们希望带着这些财富回家过王公般的生活,战斗间隙的奢华生活严重腐蚀了他们自己。His personal financial staus hit an all time, unbelievable high. He envisioned a life at home of wealth and influence when this little interlude had spent itself.