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目的探讨DD3基因不同外显子在前列腺癌组织中的特异性表达。Objective To investigate the expression of different DD3 gene exons in prostate can- cer tissues.

TB主要位于癌组织中增生的肺泡上皮细胞、巨噬细胞胞浆内。TB were found mainly in plasma of alveoli epithelial cells and alveolar macrophages with-in lung can cer tissues.

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Marcie是CER调查项目1500名受访者中的一员,她在事情发生后向警察报了案。Marcie was one of the 1, 500 respondents to the CER survey, who, after being raped, decided to report to the police.

基于此,本文认为企业环境责任表现不佳与政府政策失灵有关。Accordingly, this paper argues that CER and performance-oriented policies relating to the failure, policy-oriented failed.

赋存于板溪群中的含金石英脉为黔东南现代砂金的直接物源。The gold-bearing quartz vein occurring in Banxi Group is the direct source of recent pla- cer gold in southeastern Guizhou.

介绍了一种采用注浆成型工艺生产水净化用陶瓷滤芯的制备工艺方法。The paper Introduced a manufacturing process for production of cer amic fiter candles used for water purification by mortar injection forming.

CER报告称,很多欧洲人对美国失去其不受挑战的全球超级大国地位感到“相当轻松”。Many Europeans are “rather relaxed” about America losing its status of unchallenged global superpower, says the CER report, with nice understatement.

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鉴于,吴清寰先生是注册在香港特别行政区的CER香港和海德的股东。WHEREAS, Mr. Qinghuan Wu is a shareholder of both Haide and CER Hong Kong, both two companies are incorporated in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region.

食管癌高发区磁县,自1973年以来采取综合性预防措施后,食管癌的发生与死亡率均有逐年下降趋势。Since 1973 combined prophylactic measures against esophageal cancer were carried out in Ci-Xian county, Hebei province, an area of high incidence of esophageal can- cer.

CER型车用电涡流减速器是汽车制动系统的辅助装置,很大程度上提高了汽车的稳定性、安全性和原有汽车制动系统的耐用性。CER vehicle eddy current reducer vehicle braking system is the assistive devices, to a great extent improve the car's stability, security and the original vehicle braking system durability.