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但是很多人不敢苟同。But many profoundly disagree.

这是一个极度优秀的位置。It is a profoundly elitist position.

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他深信自己必将成功。He profoundly believed in his future success.

极度失聪的人是用什么语言思考的呢?In what language do the profoundly deaf think?

一个孩子在那一刻会深刻地感染你。One kid, one moment, can affect you profoundly.

那个时候人们的性生活有了什么样深刻的改变吗?How profoundly did our sex lives change at thetime?

为什么我们身旁的人能睡得这么深沉呢?How can these people next to us sleep so profoundly?

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该片使每个中国人作深刻的反思。This film will make every Chinese rethink profoundly.

一方面,它是种非常不科学的假说For one thing, it's a profoundly unscientific doctrine.

18岁没有做什么大逆不道的事情。What 18-year-old hasn't done something profoundly stupid?

深深地被他的想法占据了。profoundly occupied with what's going on in his own mind.

现在我深刻地认识到我的禅修是什么。I now realize very profoundly what my meditation has been.

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深刻阐明了人与艺术的真义。That profoundly expounded the people and art real meaning.

本报深切盼望这样的事情不会发生。This newspaper hopes profoundly that this will not happen.

一些批评显得很无知和毫无意义。Some of the criticism is profoundly uninformed and unhelpful.

结语部分就研究自身进行了反思。We rethought profoundly to the studying in the epilogue part.

相信轮回,深深地惦念着与你再次相遇。Believe palingenesis, profoundly yearn encounter to you again.

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请原谅,我对这种种证券赌博的伎俩实在太无知了。I am profoundly ignorant of all these stock-jobbing intrigues.

有深刻影响你的一堂课或者经历?Any special lessons or experiences that profoundly affected you?

参加过高考的每一个人似乎会体会得更深刻些。Everyone who had attend NCEF seemed to feel that more profoundly.