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写日志意味着你绝不可能理屈词穷Journaling Means You Never Run Out of Ideas

这种新方式只对元数据进行日志记录。This new mode works by journaling metadata only.

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寻找一个在线互助小组或日志项目。Find an online support group or journaling program.

邮件日志是在一个单独的逻辑卷上设置的。Mail journaling was set up on a separate logical volume.

有三种带日志的文件系统可供选择。Three journaling file systems are available to choose from.

记日记能帮助你更好的了解到自己的障碍在哪里。Journaling helps you better understand what your hurdles are.

每天记录下你的悲痛能帮助你真正明白发生的一切。Journaling your grief helps you to make sense of what happened.

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如果可能的话,应该只使用日志文件系统。If possible, you should use journaling file systems exclusively.

不管是读一本书,沉思,下厨,还是旅行。Whether it be reading a book, meditating, cooking or journaling.

当我感到低落或者紧张时,写日记总是会帮我平静下来。When I'm feeling upset or anxious, journaling almost always helps.

下面介绍现存最普遍的四种日志文件系统。Here are the four most popular journaling file systems available today.

如果把你的梦全都写成日记感到太可怕,那么就试试把梦画出来。If the idea of journaling all your dreams is intimidating , try drawing them.

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Journaling日志通过预写式的Redo日志为MongoDB增加了额外的可靠性。Journaling adds additional durability to MongoDB through write-ahead redo logs.

写日志和发博客之间有个明显的差别—是打草稿还是正式写作。There is a distinct difference between blogging and journaling – the craft of writing.

定义日志文件系统的方法有很多种,但是让我们抓住要点。You can define journaling file systems in many ways, but let's get right to the point.

让这些东西在你的日志里出现,你就会对你的日志产生一种从未有过的尊敬。Allow this to emerge through journaling and you will have a new respect for your dairies.

花钟,在床上把一天的事情或者情绪在脑子里过一遍。Spend 10 minutes journaling the day's events or feelings after tucking yourself into bed.

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比较新的日志文件系统简化了系统重新启动时的磁盘检查过程。Newer journaling file systems simplify the disk-check process when the system starts up again.

其默认的日志记录方法为预定,且支持以在线调整大小的方式扩展文件系统。The default method for journaling is ordered and supports online resizing to grow the file system.

拾起你最喜欢的饮料和点心,打点行装,准备去耕耘我们的人生。So grab your favourite drink and snack, curl up with your journaling tools and cultivate your life.