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我躺在满是泡沫的热澡盆里看书。I lay reading in a hot foamy bath.

我只关注那些泡沫状细胞。My only concern is those foamy cells.

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用打蛋机殴打,直至震动是顺利和泡沫。Beatwithan egg beater untiltheshake is smooth and foamy.

泡沫病毒可以感染某些哺乳动物,包括猴子和猿类。Foamy viruses infect some mammals, including monkeys and apes.

这些气体还可以将液态状的摩丝转换成泡沫状。This gas is also what causes the liquid mousse to turn all foamy.

这款重力灌装机应用于薄的,泡沫式产品。Gravity filling systems are ideally suited for thin, foamy products.

海报上有一户人家在煮饭,用几桶泡沫水在洗衣服。It shows a family boiling food and washing with buckets of foamy water.

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血管增生伴泡沫状组织细胞浸润。Proliferated vessels were associated with foamy macrophages infiltration.

这次还用上一种火辣辣、会起泡沫的化学品,名叫“洗发香波”。This time, however, it included a burning foamy chemical called "shampoo".

以上二份各含水果沙拉,烤土司,西式汤,泡沫冰红茶。Including salad of fresh fruits, toast, soup and shaken foamy icy black tea.

这起泡沫的海水呈现像积雪盖在这些朱鹭的脚。The foamy water of the ocean appears like snow covering the feet of these ibis.

现在,泡沫状分泌物了,但它仍然疼痛她的每一次她燕子。Now the foamy discharge is gone, but it still pains her every time she swallows.

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西班牙加那利群岛的戈梅拉岛上,海浪泛起一道泡沫般的白色刈痕。Surf spreads a foamy swath over a black beach in Gomera in Spain's Canary Islands.

铁艺术既是一个短暂的喜悦和味觉的泡沫徒劳的艺术视野。Latte art is both a gustatory delight and a fleeting artistic vision of foamy futility.

于浸浴或淋浴时使用,产生丰盈泡沫,用后冲洗干净。Use in the bath or shower to create a foamy lather all over your body. Rinse off thoroughly.

她宁愿痛饮一大扎溢满泡沫的淡啤酒,也不愿意在这里虚伪地向死去的坦西德致敬。How better to pay tribute to Tansit than to drink a brace of tall tankards of foamy ale in his place?

沐浴或浸浴时直接涂于已沾湿的肌肤上,或倒在沐浴球上以产生大量泡沫。Smooth over wet skin in the bath or shower, or apply to our Clear Bath Brush to create a foamy lather.

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过了一会,一层绿色的泡沫糊在了您的嘴唇上,到了这时,谈话是不可能的了。After a while a green foamy paste forms at your lips, and at this point, conversation is now impossible.

因为中性脂肪和粘多糖堆积,肾小管细胞呈泡沫样。The renal tubular cells appear foamy because of the accumulation of neutral fats and mucopolysaccharides.

灵长类泡沫病毒可以感染人类但无害,但研究人员担心它们可能会演变成具有危险性。Primate foamy viruses can infect humans harmlessly, but researchers fear they may evolve to become dangerous.