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我的耳朵在嗡嗡响。My ears are ringing.

铃声正响。The bell is ringing.

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我的耳朵都嗡嗡地响了。My years are ringing.

电话响了。The telephone is ringing.

好主意,我的耳朵在嗡嗡响了。Good idea. My ears are ringing.

你能听到晨钟响吗?在这些教材中出现过…Can you hear the morning bell ringing?

我耳朵嗡嗡响,还有点痛,很难受。I have a ringing in the ears with pain.

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在遥远而多风的特洛亚战场。Far on the ringing plains of windy Troy.

太好了。因为电话铃一直响个不停。Good. Because it's been ringing non-stop

粮食安全须警钟长鸣。Grain security to be alarm bells ringing.

我的耳朵之后几个小时还嗡嗡响。My ears were ringing for hours afterwards.

还有三分钟打铃。The bell will be ringing in three minutes.

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他最后的遗言依然在我的耳边不绝如缕。His last words is still ringing in my ears.

他随著一阵电铃的响声醒来。He awoke to the ringing of an electric bell.

电话铃一直响着,直到我去接才停。The telephone kept ringing until I answered.

我们应该保持脑中警钟长鸣。We should keep the bell ringing in our mind.

八点刚过,电话就响了。The telephone began ringing right after eight.

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一辆汽车响着警报器从我的身边飞驰而去。A car highballed passing me with ringing siren.

春风成剑,剑做龙吟。Piercing spring wind becomes the ringing sword!

她愉快地笑了,发出银铃般的笑声。She laughed pleasantly, a clear, ringing laugh.