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杰克拽我的袖子,让我看他的杰作。Jake was tugging on my sleeve to show me his handiwork.

我倒是希望让孩子们多做一些手工劳作,多演演戏剧,多跳跳舞。I would have the children do more handiwork dramatics and dancing.

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旁边照。注意青色窗。也是旧手艺品。Side view. Notice the green type windows. That's also old handiwork.

我从未当你是个手工匠,这件是你的作品吗?I would never take you for a handyman . Is it some of your handiwork?

在交换礼物时为对方亲手做的小礼品不停地欢呼叫好。We oohed and aahed over our handiwork as the presents were exchanged.

这种镂花水晶工艺饰品,做工精细。This kind of ornamental crystal handiwork is of excellent workmanship.

她拿起黑板擦开始把我们的作品擦掉。She picked up an eraser and began erasing our handiwork from the board.

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非常素雅可爱的印花图案,质地和做工都是一流。Very simple but elegant lovely prints, texture and handiwork is top-notch.

诸天述说神的荣耀,穹苍传扬祂的手段。The heavens declare the glory of God and the firmament shows His handiwork.

“随着时光的推移,它难免会看起来有些不同,”她谈及自己的手艺时说。“As it ages it will inevitably look different, ” she said of her handiwork.

顾客有时候愚蠢地拿手去触摸他磨好的刀锋,以测试他的手艺。Customers sometimes foolishly test his handiwork by touching the sharpened edge.

它是美国历史上最邪恶的街头黑帮组织之一所做的案子。It was the handiwork of one of the most virulent street gangs in America's history.

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但如同上帝提醒约伯,我们所居世界的奇妙,都是祂手所造。But as God reminded Job, all of the wonders of our world are His creative handiwork.

对于威尔金森博士来说,这是一个让人类目睹上帝杰作并为之惊叹的大好机会。For Wilkinson, this is our chance to glimpse God's handiwork and find ourselves amazed.

那是种什么感觉?我的意思是说,他们就站在你的旁边检验你的手艺的时候。What does that feel like? I mean, they're standing right next to you, inspecting your handiwork.

现时完全依靠熟练的制模师傅手工制作而成。The patternmaking master handiwork with uptodate and complete skilled support is made and become.

一只根叶甲虫正在审视自己的作品,它在它刚咀嚼出来的睡莲叶子洞前停了下来。Surveying her handiwork , a Donacia beetle pauses over the hole she has just chewed in a lily pad.

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把普通人在网络上炒红,只是网络推手工作的一部分。Fry Everyman on the network red, it is the one share that the network pushs handiwork to make only.

手工小厂使用排钻,甚至是手枪钻打孔,尺寸误差较大。Handiwork small plant uses platoon getting, it is handgun getting stiletto even, on size error is bigger.

骨雕牡丹设计既有中国工艺品的韵味又有独特的雕刻艺术,被誉为“独特技术”之称呼。Being Chinese handiwork and unique sculpture, peony bone sculpture is then well-known as"unique technique".