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恰当的处理煤炭。Dispose of coals properly.

把这些旧报纸处理掉。Dispose of these old newspapers.

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我没有把男人当垃圾吧?I don't dispose of men, do I?- No.

我知道如何处置你了。I have known how to dispose of you.

我该如何处理废油和废润滑脂?How do I dispose my used oils and greases?

他们把城市的废物倒入大海处理掉。They dispose of the city's waste in the sea.

这件事我一定会处理妥当,包你满意。I will dispose the matter to your satisfaction.

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我们得消灭屋里的老鼠。We'll have to dispose of the mice in the house.

在计算中,采用贴体坐标的办法处理整个流动区域。BFC is adapted to dispose the computation domain.

雷保维兹只费五分钟便解决了他。It took Leibowitz five minutes to dispose of him.

钳子和旧敷料放在污敷料袋内。Dispose forceps and soiled dressing in a plastic bag.

弄台碎纸机处理重要文件。Get a paper shredder to dispose of important paper work.

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案发后是否看到有人处理现场损失物品?Have you seen anyone dispose of articles from the scene?

匿名政治献金应如何处理。How to dispose the anonymous political contributions? 5.

处置非获准实施,危险废物。Dispose of in facility permitted for non-hazardous wastes.

优化了裂解肠内容物中TGEV的方法。Method to dispose TGEV in intestinal sample was optimized.

菲薄的待遇使他不想接受这项工作。The low salary did not dispose him to accept the position.

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葡萄酒品尝室提供瓶罐处置过剩葡萄酒。Winery tasting rooms provide jars to dispose of excess wine.

最后,为什么决定在海上处理他的遗体?Lastly, what about the decision to dispose of his body at sea?

我是不敢把这些都扔掉的,但是我会冒险挑一些来扔掉。I daren't dispose of all of them, but I think I will risk a cull.