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你想喝点什么吗?-我能不能要点珍珠奶茶。Can I get you anything? -I'd Iove some MiIk Duds.

那真可惜。本来你可以避免一些失败。That ' s a shame . you ' d have avoided some duds.

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毛多多先生你还喜欢你的新衣服吗?How do you like your new duds , Mr. Fluffernufferman?.

如果你是个男的,我就因此拧断你的脖子。So you'll please get her little duds packed right away.

托马斯爱迪生在发明灯泡之前经历了三千多次失败。Thomas Edison invented 3,000 duds before he invented the lightbulb.

要不你怎么解释那些无力赎回抵押品的人居然还穿着名牌服装?How else do you explain people who are foreclosed on but wear designer duds?

一旦创立了适合度,自然选择去粗汰劣的势头就无可匹敌了。Once fitness is created, natural selection is peerless for winnowing out the duds.

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同样,如遗产,内陆得到新的哑弹,以补充其他升级。Again, like the Legacy, the Outback gets new duds to complement its other upgrades.

第三种选择是得过且过,裁掉几个庸才,容忍其他的。The third option is to muddle through, shedding a few duds and tolerating the rest.

检查下你梦寐以求的设计师设计的衣服的缝合处是否有说明的标签或标记。Check all seams for other tell-tale tags and markings of your coveted designer duds.

买得起设计师大作并不等于要穿!Just because you can afford designer duds doesn't mean you always have to wear them!

通常有些这种游戏模式没点用而且又让程序更大。Usually a couple of these game modes are duds and are included to give the game some sort of weight.

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有关银行的负面消息拖累了其他类股走低,第四财季业绩也大多令人失望。Bad news about banks has pulled other sectors down, and fourth-quarter earnings have mostly been duds.

新时期以来对茅盾文学批评的研究,有肯定和贬抑两种态度。The researches on Mao Duds literary criticism are of the positive and negative attitudes in the period.

他是这么随和,你一定能够说服他跟你去逛购物中心,甚至还可以请他帮你选购一些新衣服。He is so easygoing, you could talk him into mall crusing and even get him to help you pick out some new duds.

西部服装扮演一位像柯林特·伊斯特伍德那样女人版本的策马持枪的牛仔。Stone looked terrific in Western duds playing something of a distaff version of a Clint Eastwood-like gunfighter.

方式是在豆子落入容器的过程中,利用光电管挑出其中的坏豆子,然后送讯号给空气喷嘴对准一吹,将坏豆子个别剔除。As beans fall into bins, photoelectric cells detect duds , signaling for them to be rejected individually with a puff from an air nozzle.

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善待动物组织肯定知道如何吸引眼球。回顾一下众多大牌明星们为保护动物权利而拍摄的大胆宣传照片。PETA definitely knows how to turn heads. Take a look back at the many celebs who have doffed their duds for the animal rights organization.

上个星期被判入狱的林赛·洛翰只不过是又一则高调明星换下名设计师设计的服装,穿上橘黄色狱服到监狱走一趟的新闻而已。Last week’s sentencing of Lindsay Lohan marked yet another instance of a high-profile celeb trading in designer duds for an orange jumpsuit.

这是不幸的,因为那些是黑色星期五和黑色星期六,为节日礼物受欢迎的购物天,但今年他们将是重大哑弹。That's unfortunate, for those are Black Friday and Black Saturday, popular shopping days for holiday gifts, but this year they will be major duds.