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我相信他们很快就会适应的。I believe they will quickly acclimatize.

你很快就会习惯这里的气候。You'll acclimatize yourself to local climate soon.

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由此可以判断,灵活的身体学会适应压力。By this reckoning, a flexible body learns to acclimatize to stresses.

他需要几个月才能习惯于夜间工作。It takes him several months to acclimatize himself to working at night.

他过了几年才适应农村的生活。It took him several years to acclimatize himself to living in the countryside.

我们只是让人们了解其中的危险以及正确地适应高海拔环境的必要性。It is to make people aware of the dangers and the need to acclimatize properly.

下午我们还有时间去适应新环境和高海拔。We have the rest of the afternoon off to acclimatize and get used to the altitude.

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在这里,它们会适应本地环境,而本地生物也会适应它们。Here, they acclimatize to the local surroundings, and the locals acclimatize to them.

他们要花时间适应那里的生活,包括饮食。It may take them time to acclimatize and adapt, and local food might not suit their tastes.

重新审视自己的对成功的定义,并对职业途径做出相应的调剂。Re-assayine your deaccomplishedtion of success and acclimatize your career path appropriately.

球员们在周一有机会去适应当地的气候,因为拜仁主教练马加特给他们放了一天假。The players had a chance to acclimatize on Monday, because Bayern coach Felix Magath gave them the day off.

下岗失业女工的再就业是她们对社会结构变革适应的一种方式。The re-employment of laid-off women is a manner to acclimatize themselves to the reform of social structure.

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只是几天的功夫还不够你适应高原气候的呢,而且也不足以让你游览首府以外其它地方的景致。A few days isn't really enough to get acclimatize yourself and to go on a few excursions outside of the capital.

然而这种适应过程需要时间,所以有的球员需要在高原地区住上一段时间,或提前到达,使适应过程能够顺利完成。But this takes time, so players who live at high altitude or arrive early enough to acclimatize have a definite advantage.

我提早至少两小时抵达好让自己适应环境与人事物。I arrived at least two hours early, in order to "acclimatize" myself to the sights and sounds of the venue and participants.

为适应国防现代化建设的需要,运用目前最先进的ASP。In order to acclimatize oneself to demand of national defence modernization building, the paper takes the most advanced ASP.

与时俱进,更新观念,突出人文科学教育的五大重点。Acclimatize the Contemporary Trends, Renewing the Ideology, and Emphasizing the Five Major Points of the Humanities Education.

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某循环流化床锅炉因不能适应生产调荷的需要而改造为链条炉。As it can't acclimatize the need of productive adjusted load, the cycle flow dissolved boiler has been reformed to chain furnace.

在过去,动物和植物群不断从其他的世界带到地球,让它们适应并且很好的在地球上安置自己。In the past animals and the flora have been brought to Earth from other worlds, and left to acclimatize and establish themselves.

希望这本书能够大卖,激励作者创作续集,帮助外国人接上中国文化的“地气”。I hope the book sells well and would encourage the author to write another book helping Westerners acclimatize to Chinese culture.