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不要畏惧退缩。Don't flinch.

她丝毫没有一点退缩躲让。She does not flinch.

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我甚至没法退缩。I couldn't even flinch away.

如果你挨打的时候并不闪躲。If you're hit, you don't flinch.

每周,他们的脸上都显出畏惧的神情。Every week, their faces barely flinch.

我向他们尖声喊叫,但他们并没惊起。I scream at them, and they don't flinch.

懦夫蹙眉,叛徒鄙夷。Though cowards flinch and traitors sneer.

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为什么脚底会怕挠痒痒?。Why is plantar meeting afraid of flinch crawly?

如果我们在这种高科技的野蛮残忍面前退缩的话。If we flinch in the face of this high-tech barbarity.

即使山崩地裂,我们决不后退。We will never flinch in the face of earthquake or landslide.

医生为琼清洗手臂上的伤口时,她毫不畏缩。Jane didn't flinch once when the doctor cleaned the cut in her arm.

"护士为琼斯清洗腿上的伤口时,他毫不畏缩。"。Jones didn't flinch once when the nurse cleaned the cut in his leg.

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死神也忘而却步,幸福之花处处开遍。Charge deaths' God also will flinch. The happy flowers bloom everywhere.

这真是对他那面对暴风骤雨毫不畏缩的本领的大表扬!What a tribute to his ability not to flinch in the face of storm and stress!

等过完了年再回到现实中去,因为我永远都不能退缩。After finish the year festival to return to reality, because I can never flinch.

当凯文拔出枪来,在车中间的隔板窗后连续射击了几枪,杰克一点都没慌乱。Jack doesn’t flinch when Carroll draws a gun and shoots repeatedly at the partition.

但事实上当化石挖掘者抡起铁锤去敲击岩石的时候,你会下意识的去躲避那些飞溅的碎片。But indeed when a fossil digger hammers a rock, you flinch to avoid the flying chips.

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人的皮肤为什么会痒,并且必须挠挠过后才舒服?。Why can the person's skin itch, is the ability after and must flinch flinching comfortable?

人们很容易被你独特的气质唆吸引,但是却在你冷漠的外表下望而却步!People are easily attracted by your special temperament, but flinch from your cold appearance.

但我仍畏惧可能被朋友们谈论的风险。But I still flinch when it comes to taking risks that might get me talked about among my friends.