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这些肉垫被称为掌垫。These are called volar pads.

沃克医生是手脚骨折方面的专家。Doctor Walker is an expert in volar fracture.

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目前有超过30种掌侧钢板的设计可用。More than 30 designs of volar locking plate are now available.

位于上海夜生活的心脏,复兴公园周边。Situated by Fuxing Park, Club VOLAR at night is very attractive.

这种入路尤其适合察看舟骨的掌侧面。This exposure is especially good for inspecting the entire volar surface of the scaphoid.

掌侧皮质通常很少粉碎,这使得复位更容易。The volar cortex is typically less comminuted, which makes reduction of the fracture easier.

掌侧锁定钢板的经济影响可能是有意义的,但还没有被评估。The economic impact of volar locking plates is likely to be significant but has yet to be assessed.

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桡骨远端骨折掌侧钢板固定后尺骨茎突骨折是否需要固定?。Should an Ulnar Styloid Fracture Be Fixed Following Volar Plate Fixation of a Distal Radial Fracture?

使用掌侧钢板不影响背侧肌腱,产生的远期并发症较少。Elimination of dorsal tendinopathy by using volar locking plates may lead to fewer long-term complications.

掌侧成角的骨折长期以来是使用掌侧支持钢板作为标准治疗。The volar buttress plate has long been established as the standard treatment for fractures with volar angulation.

其中4例同时行指屈肌腱松解及近侧指间关节掌板松解、皮肤Z字成形术。Tenolysis, volar plate release of the PIP joint and Zplasty of the skin were performed simultaneously in 4 patients.

掌侧瘢痕因其不明显使患者更易忍受,桡骨的血供也可能受到更少的干扰。Volar scars are better tolerated as they are less obvious and the blood supply to the radius is less likely to be disturbed.

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目的报告大鱼际桡侧皮瓣的显微外科解剖学基础,设计一种修复拇指指腹缺损的新皮瓣。Objective To report microsurgical anatomy basis for design a new flap to repair soft tissue defect of the volar side of the thumb.

掌侧斜T形钢板治疗老年桡骨远端不稳定骨折是安全有效的治疗选择。The treatment of unstable distal radius fractures in the elderly patient with a volar T-shape plate is a safe and effective method.

骨在该线远侧向背侧倾斜,附着掌侧关节囊及掌侧腕韧带。Distal to this line the bone slopes dorsally and gives rise to the attachment of the volar wrist capsule and volar carpal ligaments.

结论拇指桡侧指动脉是大鱼际区皮肤的主要营养血管,可以设计以拇指桡侧指动脉为蒂的大鱼际桡侧皮瓣修复修复拇指指腹缺损。A reversed radial thenar island flap pedicled with the TLDA can be designed to repair soft tissue defect of the volar side of the thumb.

目的介绍第一掌背动脉逆行岛状筋膜瓣修复示指掌侧皮肤缺损的方法。Objective To introduce the method of repair of volar skin defect of index finger by reversed first dorsal metacarpal artery facial island flap.

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基于先进的足底压力分布测试系统,本文分析了6种军用鞋靴样品在穿着中速行走时的受力舒适性。Based on advanced Volar Stress Distribution Test system, the pressure comfortability during middle-speed walking of 6 military shoes were analyzed.

将排毒包内的精华粉未摇匀,撕下固定透气胶布上小一面贴纸,将排毒包贴于足底。Shake up the quintessential powder in the bag, tear down the smaller paster of the ventilate adhesive plaster, and then attach the bag to the volar.

经实行去除不正常肌肉及神经松解术后,追踪检查病情有良好的恢复。The operative procedure included removal of anomalous muscle, neurolysis and incision of the volar carpal ligament. Good clinical recovery resulted.