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子叶和未来称为下胚轴的主轴延长。Cytyledons and future stalk called the hypocotyl elongate.

最佳外植体为下胚轴。Hypocotyl was the best explant for rapid callus induction.

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下胚轴比子叶易诱导获得抗性愈伤组织。Hypocotyl was easier to obtain resistance callus than cotyledon.

适当浓度的BR也促进下胚轴形成根。Proper concentration of BR also promoted rooting from the hypocotyl.

萌发开始时,下胚轴依靠细胞增大而迅速伸长。At the onset of germination the hypocotyl elongates rapidly by cell enlargement.

黑暗下,KT对下胚轴伸长的抑制与白光作用相似。In darkness, KT showed a similar inhibition of hypocotyl elongation as under WL.

研究了SNP对绿豆下胚轴插条生根的影响。Effect of SNP on rooting of hypocotyl cutting from mungbean seedling was investigated.

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下胚轴大部分区段同时具有根、茎初生结构的特征。Most portion of hypocotyl has the characteristic of the primary structures of its root and stem.

在子叶、叶柄、胚轴以及胚根四者当中,下胚轴对2,4-D的反应状况最好。Among cotyledon, petiole of cotyledon, hypocotyl, and radicle, hypocotyl has the most responsive explants to2,4- D.

在子叶、叶柄、胚轴以及胚根四者当中,下胚轴对2,4-D的反应状况最好。Among cotyledon, petiole of cotyledon, hypocotyl , and radicle, hypocotyl has the most responsive explants to2,4- D.

大豆下胚轴伸长生长最快的第一切段,其NADH氧化酶活性最高。The segment which had most rapid elongation rate also presented the greatest acitivity of NADH oxidase of soybean hypocotyl.

目的观察大豆胚轴提取物对人餐后血糖和糖耐量的影响。Objective It is to study the influence of soybean hypocotyl extract on postprandial blood glucose and glucose tolerance in human.

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向日葵愈伤组织经更生霉素处理后,其生长速度明显降低。The growth rate of callus from hypocotyl of sunflower treated with Gengsengmeisu was significantly slower than that of the check.

B5培养基适宜子叶形成愈伤组织,而SH较适宜下胚轴产生愈伤组织。Among the basal media tested, MS, N6 and B5 were suitable for cotyledonary callus formation and SH for hypocotyl callus formation.

本文还报道了由下胚轴外植体直接得到不定芽及其完整植株。The paper also reports, for the first time, a phenomena of direct formation of adventive shoots from hypocotyl explant of sunflower.

借助石蜡切片技术对无籽西瓜胚轴进行连续切片和系统镜检。The hypocotyl of seedless watermelon was continually sectioned and systematically observed with the aid of paraffin section technique.

光与KT对下胚轴伸长的抑制是彼此独立的的过程,当二者共同作用下胚轴时,会发生相互作用,二者主要表现出协同效应。It is an independent process of light and KT on inhibition of hypocotyl elongation and they showed multiplication effect on the process.

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甲醇提取大豆胚轴中的异黄酮类和皂甙,以薄层色谱法、高效液相色谱法检测其组成。METHODS Extract of soybean hypocotyl rich in isoflavonoids and saponins were isolated with methanol and investigated using TLC and HPLC.

慈菇种子萌发前,下胚轴基部的表皮细胞分化成生毛细胞。The epidermal cells of the proximal end of hypocotyl of Sagittaria sag-ittifolia L. differentiate into trichoblast before seed germination.

胚根长、下胚轴长度和侧根数均表现为随着催芽时间的增加而上升、随着倍性的增加而下降的总趋势。The radicle and hypocotyl length and number of lateral roots increased with increasing germination time and decreased with increasing ploidy.