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那么黑松露的味道如何呢?So what does a truffle taste like?

奶油栗子汤,波特酒,黑菌。Chestnut cream soup, port wine, truffle.

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奶油蘑菇松露义大利面,好吃!Yammy Cream Mushroom & Truffle Spaghetti!

猪在森林里用嘴拱土寻找块菌。The pigs rooted for truffle in this forest.

最后加数滴白松露油。Finally add a few drops of white truffle oil.

看来鹅肝酱和松露的治疗效果非常好。The foie gras and truffle treatment worked very well.

白松露是其同类中最贵的。The white truffle is the most expensive of the family.

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今晚为松露薯条的前景而奋战。Working away with the prospect of truffle fries tonight.

今年,阿尔及利亚的块菌产季简直忙得不可思议。The truffle season in Algeria is working magic this year.

品尝块菌最好的方法是从餐厅的菜单里点餐。The best way to taste a truffle is to order it from a menu.

曼金马普区的第一个黑松露花了大约五年时间才培育出来。The first truffle in Manjimup took some five years to produce.

Kennett广场的蘑菇馅卷和白巧克力冰淇淋。Kennett Square mushroom strudel with white truffle cream sauce.

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块菌蕈类在西南部的阿尔及利亚沙漠是丰富的。Truffle mushrooms are plentiful in the southwest Algeria desert.

其一是黄玉本身,是一种宝石,而另一种则是块菌。One is topaz, the precious stone and the other is truffle itself.

在葡萄酒厂的咖啡厅用餐,你还可以享用到黑松露。You can also enjoy your truffle with a meal at the winery's cafe.

松露“猎手”躲避收税员就像毒贩一样。Truffle "hunters" try to avoid the taxman as much as drug dealers.

中度酒体干红葡萄酒,充满黑松露,蜜枣和葡萄干的气味。Medium-bodied dry red wine with nose of truffle prunes and raisins.

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酒体复杂葡萄酒,充满浓郁的黑醋栗、香料、黑松露和蜜枣味道。Complexity wine with intense black currant, spice, truffle and prune.

余味中有樱桃,菌类和香草黑巧克力的味道。Cherry, truffle and dark chocolate flavors with vanilla in the finish.

松露仿制品由蛋白、块菌汁以及调味剂构成。Imitation truffles consist of egg white, truffle juice and seasonings.