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但事实上这是否是个弥天大错?But was it, in fact, a hideous goof?

那个可怕的故事把孩子们吓哭了。The hideous tale made the children cry.

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看见白昼被黑夜吞没。And see the brave day sunk in hideous night.

我读过关于这类可怕的化身鬼怪的书。I had read of such hideous incarnate demons.

当死亡,以可怕而恐怖的裸体When death, in hideous and ghastly starkness

但他一直在笑,狞笑!But he has been being smiling, hideous smile!

发出骇人的鬣狗般的笑声,然后是动作模糊的画面。Hideous hyena laughter, then a blur of motion.

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切尔诺贝利事故是可怕的、创伤性的。The Chernobyl meltdown was hideous and traumatic.

一个丑陋邪恶吵醒,在被遗忘的境界。A hideous evil has awoken in the Forgotten Realms.

谁用语言说出了极其恐怖的囚禁的意境?Spoke of poetry’s hideous imprisonment in language?

你难道不怕睡魇和凶梦吗?Art thou not afraid of nightmares and hideous dreams?

然后传来一阵令人惊骇的叫声,就像鬣狗发疯似的笑声一般。Then a hideous sound, like a hyena's psychotic LAUGH.

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为了惩罚他,他把王子变成了野兽。And as punishment,she transformed him into a hideous beast.

不过坏处也是有的,也就是,看起来特别的丑。It had the disadvantage, however, of looking truly hideous.

上帝解救了你们,不用看到我的中文狗爬字啦。The Gods have saved you from my hideous Chinese characters!

但是阿木忧虑自个丑恶的肌肤会吓坏兄弟。But Amu concern since a hideous skin will be terrified brothers.

他们穿着丑陋的衣服以便掩盖畸形的身躯。They wear hideous clothes to cover their mostly monstrous bodies.

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在身上刺花,比较起来真还不算是人们所说的可怕的习气呢。Comparatively, tattooing is not the hideous custom which it is called.

而这些对标签顶部的蓝色状态指示灯只是难看。And those blue status indicators on the top of tabs are simply hideous.

他想用一个临睡前的吻送她进入可恶的梦乡。He wanted to send her off into her hideous dreams with a goodnight kiss.