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中国古人已有相当丰富的词法观念。Ancient China had rich accidence concepts.

你如何解释这次事故的原因?How do you explain the reason of this accidence?

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你如何解释这次事故的原因?How will you explain the root for this accidence.

这名婴孩是在这场严重车祸后唯一生还者。The baby is the only survival after the serious car accidence.

对工人进行安全教育,应穿好防滑鞋,避免雨天打滑而产生意外事故。Educate the workers in safety. Antiskid shoes are worn in rainy day in case of accidence.

我告诉她,我不小心涂了一些胶水在我们化学老师的椅子上,这让老师感到很难堪。I told her that I put some glue on our chemistry teacher's chair by accidence making him embarrassed.

这一部分包括词法分析,语法分析,语义分析和生成目标代码四个部分。This part contains accidence analyzing, phrasing analyzing, semantic analyzing and creating aim code.

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能有效地防止列车热轴、切轴事故发生,确保列车行车安全。The system can avoid the accidence of the rolling stock's hot axle, which ensures the security of train running.

宝泉抽水蓄能电站在建设中未发生任何人身伤亡事故和设备事故。In the construction of the Baoquan Pumped Storage Power Station, there is no personal safety accidence and equipment failure.

第三本文尝试归纳了中诗英译的翻译方法,按照词法和句法二个层次,探索了运用基本翻译方法的具体情况。Thirdly, in this paper I induce translation method and according to accidence and syntax I explore exercises of method or skills.

在经验分析和理论分析的基础上,文章最后提出了应对我国煤矿安全事故频发的对策建议。At Last, based on the empirical and theory analysis, this paper puts forward some countermeasures to avoid the coal mine accidence.

但是现在我们从深层次上看这个事件,除了考虑医疗费外为什么老吴宁愿自己动手术而不愿意去医院呢?But now we take this accidence further, beside considering treatment fee, why old Wus would rather operate himself not go to hospital?

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路面薄层抗滑材料是在近期山区高速公路及长隧道抗滑技术中使用的一种新材料、新工艺。Paving a layer of thin anti-sliding material can improve the anti-sliding character of pavement greatly, thus reduce the traffic accidence.

这个法例明确列出惩罚标准和现阶段特别针对医院,中小学和政府部门。This ban points the measures of punishment and actualizes in the hospital, the school and the department official in now, the accidence moment.

所以说现代陶艺创作是在“偶然”间捕捉感觉,而并非是在刻意地塑造感觉。So in a word, modern ceramic creative work doesn't depend on modeling sense perceptions painstakingly but depends on seizing sensation by accidence.

但,有一点我非常肯定的就是他们完全没有意识到一匹马可会做成路面上的混乱和甚至交通意外。But, one thing I was pretty sure that the police officers did not have any idea that the horse would cause chaos on the road and even traffic accidence.

该模型既可为我国水上安全宏观管理提供依据,也可为特定港口的安全管理提供依据。According to the analysis using the model, this paper finds out the natural causes of the port vessels accidence and the scientific basis of administration.

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国内外的实践证明,开展驾驶适应性检测是提高驾驶员素质,从根本上预防道路交通事故的有效措施。As national and international proof shown, developing driving adaptability examination is an efficient way to improve the driver skill and prevent traffic accidence ultimately.

事故树模型采用最小割集的方法描述事故树相应的结构函数,从而评价事故树各底层事件的结构重要度。By analyzing the cases of oxygen cylinder accidences, we find out the main causes and possible ways and give the concept of "structure important degree" to describe the accidence.

油田自动化安全保护系统可以避免和限制由于工艺生产故障或其它一些事故所引起的损害,也可以保护操作人员、环境及工艺生产系统受到伤害和损害。It can avoid and limit the damagement caused by the process failure and the other accidence. It can also protect the operation Personnel, enviroment and process system from being injured and damaged.