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穿得好不一定衣着豪华。To be well dressed needn't mean luxuriously dressed.

关于目前的我们,认为包括关于豪华。Regarding present's we, think including regards luxuriously.

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我跟你说,只有悟道的人可以过的豪华。I say to you, only the enlightened person can live luxuriously.

最愉快的莫如在一家豪华的饭店里大模大样地吃上一顿。The pleasantest was to dine luxuriously at some expensive restaurant.

咖啡馆的装修豪华,每家都各有特色。They were luxuriously decorated and each had an individual character.

不过舒适、豪华仍然是奥迪品牌的精髓。However was comfortable luxuriously , was still the Audi brand essence.

于是,成功,就成了人们一种奢侈的向往了。Therefore, the success, became the people one kind luxuriously to yearn for.

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这是一个豪华的性能跑车跑车弹射的一年2054年。It's a luxuriously performance roadster sports car ejection for the year 2054.

裘把自己的鼻子惬意地埋在无芥菜和庚申蔷薇花簇中倾听着。So Laurie played and Jo listened, with her nose luxuriously buried in heliotrope and tea roses.

一只鸥鸟从草中惊起,划了一条齐整的弧线,畅快地从蓝色的气流中飞过。From the grass a gull rose with measured stroke and bathed luxuriously in the blue currents of air.

粉红鼻,豪华的皮毛修剪和不可抗拒的,可爱的复活节兔子和兔子的球迷年。Pink-nosed, luxuriously fur-trimmed and irresistible—adorable for Easter, the Year of the Rabbit and bunny fans.

维也纳是往日奥匈帝国的首都,昔日的豪华气派尚存。Vienna is the capital of breast kingdom in the past, the one in the past is remained luxuriously and magnificently.

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锦麟天地提供90个住宅单位及106个服务式住宅,每一套都是奢华艺术的体现。Jinlin Tiandi offers 90 residential units and 106 service apartments, which are luxuriously and artistically fitted.

中国的游艇运动作为超豪华的消费,在最近一年多的时间里悄然兴起。Chinese houseboat carries the movement is consumed luxuriously to exceed, recently in a year of much time sadly arisen.

具有设计典雅,装饰华丽的各式房间318间,餐位1000多个,车位100多个。She is elegantly designed and luxuriously decorated, having 318 rooms and suites and 1000seats for diners, 100 parking.

作为俱乐部的配套设施,南戴河度假酒店是一座设施豪华、格调高雅的五星级度假酒店。As part of the support facility of the club, Nandaihe Resort Hotel is a luxuriously equipped, refined, super five-star resort.

细腻光滑的质地,天然的矿物成分为您的双眸带来持久的亮丽清新。Luxuriously smooth and silky mineral formula provides eyes with a neutral base and an awakened brightness for a long-lasting wear.

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那里的阳光总是明亮温暖,那里的天空也永远皓洁透亮,海是湛蓝的,高山和原野有着史前世纪那样的葱茏。On the contrary, the sunshine there is bright and warm, the sky and the sea are clear and blue, and the mountains are luxuriously green.

由比利时商人纳热尔马克创办,布置有豪华家具的列车成为欧洲社会奢华的象征。Developed by the Belgian businessman Georges Nagelmackers, its luxuriously furnished cars became the symbol of glamour for European society.

首先充分的舒展身体,然后回到放松的状态,将右腿抬高一两英尺,然后让它自然落下,慢慢的重复两次。Stretch luxuriously first. Then when you are settled at your ease again, lift the right leg a foot or two. Let it drop limply. Repeat slowly twice.