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虎咆哮。A tiger growls.

你会画老虎吗?。Can you draw a tiger?

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谢利是一只虎。Shere Khan is a tiger.

老虎是独来独往的。The tiger walks alone.

我最喜欢泰戈。伍兹。I like Tiger Woods best.

我喜欢这只小老虎。I like the little tiger.

这个小孩叫老虎。The boy is called Tiger.

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这只老虎有一个难题。The tiger has a problem.

抓住老虎的脚趾头。Catch a tiger by the toe.

我是一只快乐的小老虎。I'm a little happy tiger.

飞虎队出发了。The Flying Tiger set out.

这头老虎怎么这么贪婪?This tiger how so greedy?

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老虎在夜间猎食。Tiger hunts in the night.

他实际上只是一个纸老虎。He's really a paper tiger.

驯虎不易。It's hard to tame a tiger.

那小娘儿们可真是个母老虎。That chick’s a real tiger.

你现在骑虎难下了。You're riding a tiger now.

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老虎身上有条纹,而豹有花斑。A tiger has a striped coat.

就在这时,一枝箭飞来,刺穿了他的肋骨,老虎顿时痛得吼叫起来。The Tiger howled with pain.

老虎住在洞里。The tiger lives in the den.