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你们律师总是唯物论者。Your lawyers are always so materialistic.

商业广告会让孩子们更物质化么?Do commercials make kids more materialistic?

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我们都变了,在这个物欲横流的时代。We are all changed, in this materialistic age.

但是肚皮给了我最唯物主义的教育。But Kyte gave me the most materialistic lessons.

物质主义的孩子总是想要更多更好的,没有止境。And materialistic kids who keep upping the ante want more.

中国物质"难道要名扬天下?Will Chinese be known in the world for being materialistic?

追求物质享受的孩子大多是与父母一起外出购物。Materialistic kids go on more shopping outings with their parents.

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矛盾转化是唯物辩证法的重要范畴。Conflict transform is an important category in materialistic dialectic.

这是一个有钱有势的人的世界,一个物欲横流的时代!This is a rich and powerful people of the world, and a materialistic times!

总是屈服于小孩的物质欲望对他来说没有任何的帮助,对于小孩无休止的心血来潮和消费要求要学会说“不”。Always giving in to your kid's materialistic desires doesn't do her any favors.

最物质主义的千禧年主义者预言信徒会有极大的物质丰富。Millennialism's most materialistic view forecasts incredible wealth for believers.

冷嘲热讽、寻求自己、注重物质利益,不愿意受真理的约束。Cynical, self seeking, materialistic and ungoverned by the principles of the Truth.

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在这唯物主义的时代里,我们没有时间去注意我们周围的世界。In this materialistic age we do not have time to pay attention to our surroundings.

从你们的法规中,啊,你们这些盲目的和没有灵魂的神父哟!Allons! from all formules! From your formules, O bat-eyed and materialistic priests.

或是把它们当作物理对象,本身就是种混淆或是错误Or thinking about them in materialistic terms might be greatly confused or mistaken.

或者思考下在唯物主义的术语中可能是非常迷糊的或者非常错误的。Or thinking about them in materialistic terms might be greatly confused or mistaken.

置身物欲横流充满诱惑的尘世,大的勇气莫过于守住一颗淡定的心。In the materialistic temptations of the world, great courage is to keep a calm heart.

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真正的拜金主义生活方式是让金钱凌驾于一切之上。The materialistic pattern of life is one in which money predominates over everything.

同一性和对立性的研究是唯物辩证法的核心问题。Study of identity and opposition is key problem of materialistic and dialectical method.

我们生活在一个物质社会,从小就受到了贪婪索取的训练。We live in a materialistic society and are trained from our earliest years to be greedy.