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这个家伙一直在大声叫骂些侮辱我的话。This man is for ever hurling insults against me.

米基·洛克将饰演大反派。Mickey Rourke plays the lightning-bolt hurling villain.

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夸里奇用另一只手抓住杰克,把他甩了出去。QUARITCH catches him with the other arm, hurling him away.

他说,罢工工人向警方投掷燃烧弹还击。Strikers fought back, hurling firebombs at police, he said.

让我们将我们的大陆远离彼此之间的谩骂讽刺。Let us stop the continents from hurling epigrams at each other.

他们用石头扔它,拽着尾巴拖它。They took to hurling stones at it and dragging it about by its tail.

斯彼迪正在泥浆里踏着步子,把纸狠狠地扔到灌木丛里去。Speedy was stomping through the mud, hurling paper into the underbrush.

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大风把木头吹得四处乱飞,好像这些木头是玩具似的。The strong wind was hurling bits of wood about as though there were toys.

两个愤怒的上帝互殴,下面的蝼蚁就要遭殃了。Two angry gods hurling boulders at one another while the ants scurry below.

爱尔兰式曲棍球和爱尔兰式足球运动员们与体育运动爱好者进行了交谈。Athletes from the sports of hurling and Gaelic football spoke to sports fans.

即便如此,该协会的最著名的运动是盖尔人足球和爱尔兰式曲棍球。That said, the association's best-known sports are Gaelic football and hurling.

杂志封面上的超人身披红色斗篷,正猛摔一辆绿色汽车,把围观人群吓得魂飞魄散。Wearing his red cape, he is pictured hurling a green car past terrified onlookers.

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像调和一些练金术的配方然后放在骷髅里扔出去,之后爆炸。Like concocting some alchemical recipe in a skull and hurling that, and it explodes.

但是当我对你投怀送抱的时候,你似乎并不想让它发生。But when I was hurling my body onto yours, you did not seem to want to make it happen.

但当我对你投怀送抱的时候,你似乎并不想让它发生。But when I was hurling my body onto yours , you did not seem to want to make it happen.

机车顶部是一个投石装置,可以投射50磅重的爆破火焰弹。Mounted on top was a mechanical catapult capable of hurling 50-lb. exploding firebombs.

当某人开始用侮辱性字眼大声叫骂时,你要抬头挺胸,保持坚强。When someone starts hurling derogatory comments at you, hold your head high and stay strong.

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有小批抗议者与防暴警察发生正面冲突,投掷石块和燃烧弹。Smaller groups of protesters have engaged riot police directly, hurling stones and firebombs.

中国东莞万江镇,2008年10月19日——一名男子在激烈的番茄大战间隙中休息一下。Wanjiang Township, China, October 19, 2008--A man rests between brutal rounds of tomato hurling.

Groder描述说,晚上七时左右,示威者开始从市场那边向警察投掷石块和蔬菜。Around 7 p. m. , protesters began hurling rocks and vegetables from the market at the police, Mr. Grode said.