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梦见完美。Dream perfection.

完美就像流沙一样。Perfection is quicksand.

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完美是一种幻觉。Perfection is an illusion.

尽善尽美并非目标。Perfection is not the goal.

我们正在慢慢走向完善。We are inching towards perfection.

现在,我再也不抱怨不完美。Now, I have no claims to perfection.

这预表了基督的完美。This speaks of the perfection of Christ.

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对一个人不要求全责备。He does not demand perfection in one man.

正义的完美成不义的丢脸。And right perfection wrongfully disgraced.

保持品质第一,追求完美。Keep quality first, hanker for perfection.

东创融天一直在追求完美。Dongchuang Rongtian is pursuing perfection.

绝对完美的词典是罕见的。Absolute perfection in a dictionary is rare.

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他做任何事情都力求十全十美。He aims at perfection in everything he does.

这套服装恰到好处地显示出她的身材。The dress shows off her figure to perfection.

比尔巴温斯顿·丘吉尔模仿得惟妙惟肖。Bill took off Winston Churchill to perfection.

别指望事事完美,毕竟人无完人。Don’t expect perfection in everything you see.

她做任何事情都想求全。She aims at perfection in everything she does.

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他在第11节再次敦促他们要「作完全人」。He said it again in v. 11, 'Aim for perfection.

可即时饮用或陈放2年后饮用更显完美。Ready to drink or age to perfection in 2 years.

至于使用人的时候,他是求全责备的。When he employs a person, he demands perfection.