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搭蓝线,往东的列车。Take the Blue Line, eastbound trains.

可以告诉我往东走的高速公路入口在哪里吗?Could you direct me to the eastbound freeway on ramp, please?

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所有向东开去的火车由于信号错误而均被取消。All eastbound trains have been cancelled due to faulty signals.

街东3条小巷,街西4条小巷,由街中向上延伸。Street eastbound lanes 3, 4 lane West Street by Street extended upward.

隔开向东方向和向西方向的那片草地更有可能。The stretch of grass separating eastbound and westbound was more likely.

请注意,即将进站列车为以常营站为终点站的区间车。Please mind the coming eastbound train will terminate at Chang Ying Station.

请注意,即将进站列车为以四惠东站为终点站的区间车。Please mind the coming eastbound train will terminate at Sihui East Station.

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乔把斯努皮抱在臂弯里,安慰南希,“我要试试找个东去的卡车司机,托他把咱们家老闺女捎回家。”I'm going to try to find an eastbound trucker to take the old girl back for us.

东去的小路和一些地方的路肩都用柏油和沙砾重新铺过。Tar and gravel have been used to resurface the eastbound lane and, in places, the shoulder.

目前,由于向东方向行驶道上有辆汽车抛锚,造成第五十九条街的桥面交通阻塞。There is a back-up on the 59th Street Bridge because of a stalled car in the eastbound lane.

在丹佛站上,大批旅客涌进开往东部方向的B&M公司的快车车厢。At Denver there was an influx of passengers into the coaches on the eastbound B. & M. express.

大厦位于朝阳区东三环国贸桥东100米。Eastbound East Road in Chaoyang District, located at the International Trade Building, 100 meters.

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你船将在当地时间0145时,所有东行船对遇并通过你船后进入东船闸,完毕。You will enter east lock at 0145 hours local time, when all eastbound vessels have passed your vessel. Out.

向右经吕祖洞下东行,峰回路转,便到了主峰间的青龙观道院。Lvzu hole right through the next eastbound turn, will be among the main peak in the view of Tsing Lung Road House.

而其原本寄予厚望的东新合作计划,也因国航搅局而最终夭折。And the original high hopes for the new cooperation plan eastbound , Air China as a result of spoiler eventually died.

菲利普。斯旺向西行驶,面前有一辆向东行驶的别克轿车在他前方调头,别克的司机是一个实习驾驶中的16岁的女孩。As Swann headed west, an eastbound Buick veered onto his side of the road. At the wheel was a 16-year-old girl driving on her learner's permit.

东安汽车试图通过摩托车,然后用力一西行轿车的沙地上肩,以避免碰撞转弯,当局说。An eastbound car was attempting to pass the motorcycles, then forced a westbound sedan to swerve on to the sandy shoulder to avoid a collision, authorities said.

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日时,于印第安那州坐上东行的火车,后来就发生了美国历史上第一个火车抢劫案。On October 6, 1866, one of the first train robberies in America took place when the Reno brothers boarded an eastbound train in Indiana wearing masks and toting guns.

当时热门的话题都是关于中国的集装箱被拆毁当废铁而东洋航线上的集装箱就像是世界杯门票一样可遇而不可求。The talk at the time was of containers being scrapped for the steel in China, while available capacity on eastbound ocean lanes was as hard to come by as Super Bowl tickets.