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三段论中的小前提。The minor premise in a syllogism.

好,最后一个,这是三段论。Okay one last one, here's syllogism.

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伴随三段论的大前提和小前提必然得到的命题。The major or minor term of a syllogism.

三段论的大项必须出现两次。The major term of a syllogism must occur twice.

实用的「人神合作」论,会对神的应许有所加添。The practical syllogism may supplement the divine promises.

自然在推论上的软弱无力,可以用磁力的例子来证明。Such a feeble exemplification of the syllogism may be seen in the magnet.

亚式模态三段论可以化归为哪些格式呢?。Which figures and moods could be reduced to by Aristotelian modal syllogism?

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这些天来,一个人云亦云的思想,可以用逻辑学的三段论,总结如下。Conventional wisdom these days can be summarized in the form. of a syllogism.

法官适用法律中主要运用演绎推理或三段论推理。The application of law mainly uses deductive inference or syllogism inference.

没有提到黑格尔也没有提到笛卡尔,也没有学习唯我论,三段论。There is no mention of Hegel or Descartes, no study of syllogism or solipsism.

当然解释的推理过程为三段论式的演绎推理。Natural interpretation's inference coursing is deductive inference of syllogism.

伴随三段论的大前提和小前提必然得到的命题。The proposition that must follow from the major and minor premises in a syllogism.

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这种简单的三段论式的思路无论是前提还是由此得出的结论都是值得商榷的。This simple syllogism is suspicious in terms of both its premise and its conclusion.

那么,现代逻辑如何看待亚式模态三段论的化归呢?Then how contemporary logic looks upon the reduction of aristotelian modal syllogism?

三段论法中大前提和小前提之间的一项,但不在结论中出现。The term in a syllogism presented in both premises but not appearing in the conclusion.

在每一个三段论,有两个报表,从其中一个结论如下未必。In every syllogism , there are two statements from which a conclusion follows necessarily.

集合图形法是笔者重新建构的一种检验三段论式有效性的方法。The Set Diagram is a method for testing the validity of syllogism reconstructed by the author.

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他的说法是,人们在亚里士多德的,逻辑课堂上学到一个著名的推论。As he puts it, there's a famous syllogism that people learn in their logic classes from Aristotle.

诺瓦利斯在继承了基督教时间观念的基础上形成了自己的三段论历史观。On the basis of Christians'concept of time, Novalis put forward the Syllogism conception of history.

推理论证必须由尽可能少得命题组成,比组成正常三段论的命题还要少。The enthymeme must consist of few propositions, fewer often than those which make up the normal syllogism.