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尽管他很生气,但他并没有忘记自己的诺言。His anger did not make him neglectful of his promise.

她最近不大重视自己的仪容。She has been rather neglectful of her appearance lately.

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她工作非常卖命,常常连家都忘了。She works so hard that she is often neglectful of her family.

我以前是个盲目的、粗心大意的傻瓜,竟没想到这一层。I've a blind, neglectful fool not to have thought of this before.

因忙于公务,后羿忽略了他可爱而寂寞的妻子。He was so busy with his duties he became neglectful of his lovely and lonely wife.

但是,即使她们的父亲已经被忽视或虐待,我发现女儿一种对获得赞许的渴求。But even for women whose fathers had been neglectful or abusive, I found a hunger for approval.

怠忽学业的学生到了期末考,就要为他们的懒惰付出代价了。Students who are neglectful of their studies will pay for their laziness when the final comes up.

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在用方言发表演讲时,疏忽的知识分子选了一片昆虫切片用于反思。On the lecture given in dialect, the neglectful intellectual selected a section of the insect for reflection.

而这些话确实会导致对人群的分型。它们确实会导致忽略和几乎压迫有特殊需求人群的行为。And they do result in stereotypes. They do result in behavior that is neglectful , and almost oppressive of people with special needs.

她的父母不管她,她和坏人们混在一起,并且怀孕成为了未婚妈妈。有您的支持,她就有一条出路。Neglected by her parents, she hangs with a bad crowd, gets pregnant and becomes a neglectful parent. With your help, there is a way out.

如果当局疏于保养这些系统,这些排水沟便无法迅速排放雨水防范淹水。If authorities are neglectful of keeping these systems in good condition, the drainage ditches will fail to carry off rainwater fast enough to prevent flooding.

除了获得对他们辛勤工作的赞扬,这些不称职而又往往玩忽职守的工作人员们说他们还希望有一些新的奖励措施。In addition to receiving praise for their hard work, the inept and often neglectful staff members said they'd like to see a number of new incentives introduced.

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刚刚到了国外,看到一切如此美好,开始所接触的人也个个善良可亲,因此很容易疏忽大意。Just went to abroad, see everything is so good, the person that begins a contact also each is kind-hearted and accessibly , because this is very easy neglectful.

斯瓦尔巴德全球种子窖确保其他地方的基因库万一发生机制性意外——如标本遗失、管理疏漏或资金终结——时,仍有后备储存。The Svalbard vault insures that gene banks elsewhere have back-ups in case of unpredictable institutional failure — lost samples, neglectful management, or depleted funding.

疏忽的抚育——无论是身体或情感忽视或更糟糕——虐待——会导致自体发展的脱轨,并削弱个体建立健康关系的能力。Neglectful parenting-either physical or emotional neglect or worse-abuse-can result in derailments of self development and impair the individual's ability to form healthy relationships.

此前她为自己的银行支付限额设定的是每天最高5000元,而黑客利用她的疏忽大意和0点之间的时间跨度“转”走了她的钱。What she pays limitation set for her bank before this is everyday highest 5000 yuan, and what the hacker uses her is neglectful with the time span between 0 o'clock " turn " took her money.

我还犯了一些疏忽大意的错,当新情况出现时,我本应三思自己的想法、然后迅速采取行动,但我却只知道咬着大拇指发愣。I still made a few neglectful faults, when new case appears, I should think carefully originally oneself idea, take action quickly next, but I know to biting thumb to be in a daze only however.

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就拿米莉来说吧,她曾是一个铁石心肠的可卡因瘾君子,对周围的事不管不顾,当她的孩子出世后,她把所有恶习都改了,从那以后,她成为了四个孩子的好母亲。Take Millie who was a stone cold neglectful cocaine addict when her child was an infant and who, against all odds, turned her life around and got clean and has been a great mom to her four kids since.