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他贴一膏药。He applied a plaster.

该枪已经用于制管实验中。It's applied in experiment.

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提交任何已应用的文件组。Commit any applied filesets.

HAP有广泛应用前景。HAP has wide applied future.

他是入党申请人。He applied for Party membership.

他应征事务员的工作。He applied for a job as a clerk.

他申请入党了。He applied for party membership.

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在地铁上,我涂上了睫毛膏。On the train, I applied mascara.

这条规则放诸四海而皆准。The rule is universally applied.

他努力干好新工作。He applied himself to his new job.

是疯丫头应用在角质层?Was Minx applied over the cuticle?

在下次启动时将会应用改变。Changes will be applied on re-boot.

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目前它正被应用于地质学。Now it is being applied to geology.

这个思路同样适用于博卡·戈德法布。The same applied to Bomka Goldfarb.

糊精具有重要的应用价值。Dextrin has essential applied value.

法国提出引渡她的申请。France has applied to extradite her.

适用于仪表、手表绕组。Applied for apparatus, watch winding.

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掌握基本焊锡技术。Basic soldering technique is applied.

同时,这一称呼也可用语新郎。It can be applied to bridegrooms too.

她在脸上浓妆艳抹。She applied heavy makeup to her face.