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男孩在那周围逡巡。The boy was wandering around.

悲伤德人们满街游走。Sad people wandering the streets.

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只是你发现自己恍恍惚惚心不在焉了。You just find yourself wandering.

我发现了正在徘徊的衰老游唱诗人。I find him, the wandering grey bard.

郝京妮在上海游荡。Holloway's wandering in Shanghai jing.

一个流浪的人偶师来到了一个小镇上。A A wandering puppeteer goes to a town.

香径徘徊赏花人。Flowers fragrant path wandering people.

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定然在天街闲游。Must be wandering in the Heaven Street.

徘徊在两个世界中,一个死了。Wandering between two worlds, ond dead.

流浪的安古斯是为了什么?What is the goal of "Wandering Aengus"?

爱是一颗星,它引导迷途的桅樯。Love is the star to every wandering bark.

很长一段时间石涛都在过着浪迹天涯的生活。Shi led a wandering life for a long time.

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露珠亲吻着繁花。Wandering dews by the flowers are caressed.

除了你可以看到麋鹿在马路上游逛。Except for the moose wandering down the road.

转动的,漫游的夜,双眼的挖掘者。Turning, wandering night, the digger of eyes.

我是在布罗德莫精神病院的病房里长大的。I've grown up wandering the wards of Broadmoor.

漂泊一生,空有一腔往事如烟的怀念。Wandering life, empty cavity has a past memory.

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小时候的情境一幕幕在脑海里乱转。When the situation of scenes in mind wandering.

她在房屋前后边徘徊边思考问题。She was wandering around the house and thinking.

无奈流浪的旅程,让悲伤增添愁苦哀戚的伤痕。The wandering tour saddens the days with sorrow.