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正是他们的抽象化能力处于不活动的状态。It is their capacity for abstraction that is quiescent.

他将弹簧绑紧,尽管工件都保持不动。He wound the springs tight, though the works remained quiescent.

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斯坦盯着这座宁静的日本岩石花园看了好几个小时。Stan stared for hours at the quiescent scene of the Japanese rock garden.

那些没有身陷囹圄和流亡海外的“寡头”的确在政治上都选择了“沉默是金”。Those “oligarchs” not in prison or exile are indeed politically quiescent.

巫毒老二停了下来、飘回它的盒子,然后再也不动。The voodoo dick stopped, floated back to the box and lay there, quiescent once more.

寂静地震的研究具有重要的理论与实际意义。The research on the quiescent foreshock is of great theoretical and practical significance.

DO线性稳压器的低漏失电压、低静态电流特性使电池使用具有高效率和长寿命。Low dropout and low quiescent current are important for long battery life in LDO linear regulators.

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另外,即使在消费价格停止通胀的情况下,美国在2002到05年间依旧实行负实际利率。America rannegativereal interest rates in 2002-05, even though consumer-price inflation was quiescent.

本实验在相对静止的系膜细胞中没有观察到典型的形态变化和DNA梯形带。Typical morphological change and DNA laddering did not occur in quiescent mesangial cell in our study.

在2002年5月,美国的实际利率为负,尽管如此,美国的消费者物价通胀率还是没变。America ran negative real interest rates in 2002-05, even though consumer-price inflation was quiescent.

阿里从来都不认为运动员可以裹足不前,他不断进取,成为第一位真正意义上的全球体育明星。Ali discredited forever the idea of the quiescent athlete, and he was the first truly global sports star.

可以打的,你宝宝的情况现在等于是静止期,没有很大的妨碍。Can play, and your daughters situation is now tantamount to quiescent period, there is no great hindrance.

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为了降低整个系统的静态功耗,双极性电源就有存在的必要性。For reducing the quiescent dissipation of the system, so it is necessary to exist for the ambipolar power.

我们选用了对应于静态工作点高、低电压的两个不同的脉冲幅度。Two different pulse amplitudes corresponding to the high and low voltages about the quiescent point were chosen.

本文采用双流体大涡紊流模型对静水中泥沙云团下落过程进行了研究。Two-fluid large eddy turbulence model is applied to research the movement of the sand clouds in quiescent water.

从1989年全国性的学生运动开始,受过教育的城市精英保持政治沉默。Since the nationwide student-led protests of 1989, the educated urban elite has mostly been politically quiescent.

在根的顶端分生组织中心区域的一些细胞,它们几乎不进行有丝分裂。Quiescent center A group of cells in the center of the apical meristem in which mitotic divisions are rate or absent.

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温度对三极管的性能影响较大,使得电路中的静态工作点出现不稳定现象。The temperature had great effect to the triodes performance and made the quiescent operation point in circuitry unstable.

NASTRAN对静载作用下的三维沥青路面结构模型进行了数值响应分析。NASTRAN, was employed to analyse the structural response of the three-dimensional asphalt pavement under the quiescent load.

在苏维埃集团内部,东德公民仍与保加利亚一样,分享着最安静人民的称号。And East German citizens still shared with the Bulgarians the reputation of being the most quiescent people in the Soviet bloc.