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那就多运动吧!Exercise more!

锻炼你的爱犬。Exercise your dog.

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做一个练习视频。Do an exercise video.

你经常锻炼身体吗?Do you often exercise?

我的座右铭是运动。My motto for exercise.

升级你的运动用品。Upgrade your exercise.

写作是一项运动。Writing is an exercise.

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你活着是为了运动吗?Do you live to exercise?

别做乏味的锻炼。Don’t do boring exercise.

你锻炼如何奥芬?How Ofen do you exercise?

你应该多多锻炼。You should exercise more.

做75页上的练习20.Do exercise 20 on page 75.

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每天做护眼操。Do eye exercise every day.

猎狼需要运动吗?Do Borzoi require exercise?

锻炼身体,讲究卫生。Do exercise and be hygiene.

~锻炼骨盆底。Exercise your pelvic floor.

那是一道单独的题目That's a separate exercise.

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什么是无氧运动?。What Is Anaerobic Exercise?

有规侓地训练你的宠物。Exercise your pet regularly.

这是一项非常有效的运动。It’s a very potent exercise.