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把它封上!Seal it off !

第五道封印是什么?What's the fifth seal?

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封印巨大念力土偶!!Seal the Giant Nendoll! !

为什么儿童要做窝沟封闭?Why seal a child's teeth?

排空塑料袋里的气体,然后密封起来。Flatten the bags and seal.

我扯开封口,劈头念信。I broke the seal and read.

他用印盖在火漆上。He impressed a seal on wax.

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第四道印是死亡。So death is the fourth seal.

他们把标矛掷向海豹。They darted spears at the seal.

耐用,聚树脂,密封涂层。Durable, poly-resin, seal coated.

他把私章印在罐上。He impressed his seal in the pot.

他在蜂蜡上盖了他的印章。He impressed his seal on the wax.

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封口,扔掉金属箔。Seal seam and ends. Discard foil.

第八海豹突击队。深入敌后。Seal. Team. Eight. Behind. Enemy.

别忘了把信封封好。Don't forget to seal the envelope.

求伱将我放在心上如印记。Set me as a seal upon thine heart.

信封封缄被人撕开了。The envelope's seal was torn open.

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检查侧窗密封件是否损坏。Check side wind ow seal for damage.

倒入干净的果酱,然后封上口。Pour into sterilised jars and seal.

请用胶水封口,切勿用钉书机封口。Seal with glue. Do not use staples.