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他和他叔叔一起住在古老的萨尔瓦托公寓。He lives with uncle up at the old Salvatore boarding house.

当他在拖走布伦南的时候,塞尔瓦托.吉安达中士击毙了他。Sgt. Salvatore Giunta had shot and killed him as he was dragging off Brennan.

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由萨尔瓦托雷创建,这是一个开箱即用很好的例子。Created by Salvatore Calabrese, this is a great example of out-of-the-box thinking.

拉齐奥前锋马金娃指控道雷吉纳的阿罗尼卡对他使用了带有种族歧视色彩的侮辱。Lazio forward Stephen Makinwa has accused Reggina's Salvatore Aronica of using a racist insult.

意大利男高音赛尔瓦托·里契特拉在一场车祸中头部和胸部受伤而死。Italian tenor Salvatore Licitra has died from head and chest injuries suffered in a road accident.

当阿尔弗雷多在一次火灾事故中失明后,萨尔瓦多成了他的眼睛,并接手了电影放映员的工作。When Alfredo loses his sight in a fire , Salvatore becomes his eyes and eventual the projectionist as well.

在巴勒莫附近的一间房子里,警察抓住了在逃的西西里黑手党最大的头头萨尔瓦托雷·洛皮科洛。At a house near Palermo, police seized Salvatore Lo Piccolo, the most senior Sicilian Mafia boss still at large.

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中年痞子男达蒙-塞尔瓦托比那个较自己年轻、更善于内省的弟弟斯特凡-萨尔瓦托还令人印象深刻。The older, evil Salvatore character has impressed more than his younger, more introspective brother, Stefan Salvatore.

转会市场网致电了经理人安德雷达米科,以便了解更多关于法比亚诺圣达克罗策以及萨尔瓦多博切蒂互换的交易事宜。Tmw called the agent Andrea D'Amico, in order to know more about Fabiano Santacroce and Salvatore Bocchetti swap deal.

母亲向他的姐姐许诺一定会回来参加阿尔弗雷多的葬礼,虽然萨尔瓦托刚开始有点勉强。His mother assures his sister that he will indeed return for Alfredo's funeral, though Salvatore at first seems reluctant.

在那些同时被捕的人中有前外交部长及右翼国家联盟党领导人安弗兰科·费尼的发言人萨瓦托里·索蒂尔。Among those arrested was Salvatore Sottile, a spokesman for former Foreign Minister Gianfranco Fini of the right wing National Alliance party.

萨尔瓦多的中央情报局特工约翰费雷拉的照片时,他渗透了“Quicksilver的时候,伊利诺伊州和加利福尼亚州的其他新闻机构。A photograph of CIA agent Salvatore John Ferrera when he was infiltrating the "Quicksilver Times and other news organizations in Illinois and California."

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安切洛蒂的球队持续给梅西纳的大门施压,阿洛尼卡的抢断再次破灭了吉拉迪诺在这个下午开启进球帐户的愿望。Ancelotti's side continued to threaten the Messina goal and only a Salvatore Aronica challenge denied Gilardino from opening his account for the afternoon.

2007年6月21日萨尔瓦托勒菲拉格慕与天美时集团签署授权协议,生产并销售全新系列的高档腕表。June 21st, 2007 Licensing agreement between Salvatore Ferragamo and Timex Group for the production and distribution of a new collection of high-end timepieces.

萨尔瓦多•隆巴多是专为巴勒斯坦难民设在黎巴嫩的联合国机构的主管,他称他们部门也和恰赫巴哈尔一样,不允许重建住处。Director Salvatore Lombardo of the U. N. agency for Palestinian refugees in Lebanon says his agency also is not allowed to rebuild settlements like Jal al-Bahr.

他们游到岸边去看怎么回事,看到人们在从结块的土地上拔草吃,因为土地上切实不别的货色吃了。They swam to shore to see what was happening, salvatore ferragamo headband, and saw people tearing grass from the caked ground, for the people had nothing else left to eat.

在这个萨尔瓦托“托托‘狄维托的人生故事中,萨尔瓦托卡肖扮演一个被刻画为孩子的不得志的导演。Philippe Noiret, the sagacious French veteran, plays the mentor Alfredo in this life story of Salvatore "Toto" Di Vitto, a director manque' depicted as a child by Salvatore Cascio.

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热那亚的官员们对以租借的方式从AC米兰签下左后卫马雷克扬库洛夫斯基非常感兴趣,而且也准备把他们的中后卫萨尔瓦多博切蒂作为交换球员租借给红黑军团。Genoa officials are interested in signing left-back Marek Jankulovski on loan from AC Milan and are open to the idea of loaning their centre-back Salvatore Bocchetti to the Rossoneri.

风湿性关节炎中B细胞的病理作用存在争议,不过目前人们相信其作用是轻微的。"The pathogenetic role of B cells in RA is under debate, but it is currently believed to be marginal, " write Salvatore De Vita , MD, and colleagues from the University of Udine in Italy.

这所医院的墙壁倒塌后紧急疏散人员,大夫只得在院子里医治地震伤员和普通患者。The San Salvatore hospital, evacuated after its walls gave way, forcing doctors to treat quake victims and ordinary patients in a courtyard, has exposed inadequate infrastructure in the area.