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新的降雪使耕地更加宽阔。New snowfall widens the plowing.

这头牛在另一个世界耕作。This ox did otherworldly plowing.

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他给马套上马具去耕田。He tackled the horse up for plowing.

春耕时节来到了。The season for spring plowing has come.

春耕之前我还得买些草料。Before spring plowing I need to buy some more fodder.

撞向那辆卡车时,高雅宁的车丝毫没有减速。Gao's car never slowed before plowing into the truck.

第三个结合我要说的是耕读商相结合。The third combination I must say that plowing business combination.

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水润滑时主要为犁削和轻微的磨粒磨损。Plowing and slight abrasive wear are dominant under water lubrication.

假设一个农夫驱使水牛在水田里犁地。Suppose there is a farmer who uses buffaloes for plowing his rice field.

锄铲松土法影响较小,耕作深度为4——5英寸。Sweep tillage is a low-impact method of plowing 4 to 5 inches into the soil.

经过深耕细作,蔬菜长势良好。The vegetables are growing well through deep plowing and careful cultivation.

当黄昏的时候,他看到在庄稼地一个健壮的农民正在耕地。When it was almost dark, he saw in a cornfield a tall farmer plowing the land.

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比起耕种父亲的田地,酒色笙歌当然吸引得多。Wine, women, and song looked more attractive than plowing his father's fields.

我们背负着它,播种者,耕耘着,收获着,欣喜地走向生命的远方。We carry with it, planting, plowing the harvest of rejoicing towards life afar.

凿耕法和铧式犁翻耕法在短时间内使二氧化碳的排放增加。Chisel and moldboard plowing increased carbon dioxide emissions for a short time.

当横扫强硬的地点或磁盘片过湿的地点时候,这非常有帮助。This is very helpful when plowing through tough spots or disking through wet spots.

在他前头有十二对牛,自己赶着第十二对。He was plowing with twelve yoke of oxen, and he himself was driving the twelfth pair.

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⊙、辛勤耕耘的园丁,为下一代的成长,呕心厉血。Plowing the gardener for the growth of the next generation, nausea and complete blood.

人们不用耕种,一切生活必需全可仰给于大地。The earth brought forth all things necessary for man, without his labor in plowing or sowing.

当北方还是千里冰封、万里雪飘之时,南方已进入春耕季节了。When north China is still covered with snow, people in south China are busy with spring plowing.