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这是我的朋友张明,他是我们学校的学生会主席。This is my friend, Zhang Ming. And he is Chinaman of our Student Union.

作为难民去加拿大,享受一下结扎。愚蠢的中国人。Move them to Canada as refugees and get a vasectomy, you silly Chinaman.

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真正的中国人也许狡猾,但狡猾中并无阴险。Thereal Chinaman may be cunning, but there is no malignity in his cunning.

真正的中国人也许粗糙,但粗糙中没有粗劣。The real Chinaman may be coarse, but there is no grossness in his coarseness.

真正的中国人也许狡猾,但狡猾中并无阴险。The real Chinaman may be cunning, but there is no deep malignity in his cunning.

布袋和尚立即将那布袋抡起在肩,扛起继续赶路。At once the Happy Chinaman swung the sack over his shoulder and continued on his way.

你要知道,皇帝是一个中国,和所有的人,他一直对他都是华人。You must know, the Emperor is a Chinaman , and all whom he has about him are Chinamen too.

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甚至,一个真正的中国人,他身体上或者道德上的缺憾,既便无法补救,也会被他身上的文雅品质所淡化。Indeed the very physical and moral imperfections of a real Chinaman are, if not redeemed, at least softened by this quality of gentleness in him.

一个典型的西方人希望尽可能多得引起周围环境的变化,而一个典型的中国人则希望能从周围环境中体验到最微妙的快乐。The typical Westener wishes to be the cause of as many as possible in his environment, the typical Chinaman wishes to enjoy as much and as delicately as possible.

事实上,余曰,中国如今已成共和之国,盖因目今穷凶极恶低能之中国人,绞辫子而丢其文明之故也。In fact, China, I may say here, has become a republic now because the poor demented imbecile Republican Chinaman today has lost his civilization as he has lost his queue.