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社交恐惧症是什么?What is social phobia?

这是恐怖症的一种形式。The commonest form of phobia.

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但是恐惧也会发生于成年时期。But a phobia can occur in adulthood.

第一种表现可以说是最普遍的社交恐惧症。The first can be termed a general social phobia.

严重的就会发展成为社交恐怖症。When serious enough, it may develop into social phobia.

这种恐惧症的源头是对死亡或者尸体的害怕。This is the phobia or fear of death as such or any dead objects.

我们走在悬崖旁观看瀑布,惧高者别这样做哦。Walking along the clift, those have height phobia please don't do this.

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今天我去献血,想解决一下我对注射器的童年阴影。Today, I tried to get over my childhood phobia of syringes by donating blood.

讨厌的人会在他的午饭里吐唾沫,或是碰他的食物因为他对细菌非常厌恶。A twerp would spit in his lunch or touch his food because he has a germ phobia.

医生们还会开处方药来治疗社交恐惧症。Medication . Doctors also may prescribe medication to help treat social phobia.

这种恐惧症大部分可以避免——只要避开乞丐游荡的地方即可。This phobia can largely be avoided—just skirt areas where panhandlers hang out.

社交恐惧是一种对他人评价和窘迫场景的强烈恐惧。Social phobia is a strong fear of being judged by others and of being embarrassed.

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多洛雷斯有“不全是人类”生物恐惧症。Dolores has what amounts to a phobia of beings that are not quite, or wholly, human.

这种恐惧症也可能和其他恐惧症一并发作,如幽闭恐惧症。This kind of phobia may involve some other phobia as well like maybe claustrophobia.

文献让我们了解到,恐惧症在人类中具有漫长的历史。Literature offers us the knowledge of the long life which phobia have had in mankind.

方法按照钟友彬教授认识领悟疗法的原理、方法和步骤,对来访者实施认识领悟治疗。Methods To treat the phobia patients according to the methods of Professor Zhong Youbin.

有些人会出现极度的身心失调,社会恐惧症忧或郁症等。Some individuals have the symptoms of panic disorder or social phobia or depression, etc.

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抗抑郁药物一般用来治疗抑郁症,但它们对社交恐惧症也有疗效。Antidepressants are used to treat depression, but they are also helpful for social phobia.

比起抗焦虑药物,医生更有可能开抗抑郁药作为治疗。They are probably more commonly prescribed for social phobia than anti-anxiety medications.

维生素D—你的皮肤把日光转化成维生素D,但是很多人有太阳恐惧症。Vitamin D -- your skin converts sun into vitamin D, but a lot of people have this sun phobia.