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我用我的iPhone接了他的电话。I picked up my iPhone.

这是她的第一部iPhone。This is her first iPhone.

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所以我们应该推出新的手机,iPhone。“So, we better build a phone, iPhone."

我不能忍耐被他人讥嘲!I can't stand iphone appearing laughed at!

之后一天他用他的iPhone给我打电话。Then, one day he called me up on his iPhone.

如果低价版的iphone4S面世,你会考虑吗?Would you consider a cheaper, pre-paid iPhone?

但爱疯佛的天线问题又如何呢?But what about the iPhone 4's antenna problems?

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他发奋去够架子上的苹果,但是没能够到。He tries to get the iphone well over the shelf.

此款iPhone一直是最畅销的智能手机。The iPhone remains the best-selling smartphone.

苹果手机将有三种型号和价格。The iPhone will come in three sizes and prices.

这是我用iPhone抓拍的一张照片。Here is a picture that I snapped with my iPhone.

我想宣传的是一个苹果手机的应用程序,It's an iPhone app that I'm telling people about

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这个放弃欣赏iphone的行为全是我自己的想法。The failure to appreciate the iPhone was all mine.

你能用iPhone射出.45口径的子弹吗?Can you shoot a .45 caliber bullet out of your iPhone?

分析人士预计此款新机型将在今年夏季出品。Analysts expect the new iPhone to be ready this summer.

他们还重新定义了手机在人们心目中的概念。And they’ve redefined the mobile phone with the iPhone.

刚刚够就是还不够。Having just enough just isn't enough. I love my iPhone.

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我得承认我被我iPhone上的“超级拼字”游戏迷住了。I admit it. I am hooked on playing Boggle on my iPhone.

我还会关掉手机,或至少调至静音模式。I also turn off my iPhone or at least put it on silent.

我憎恨、厌恶、鄙视iPhone的键盘。I hate, despise, detest, and loathe the iPhone keyboard.