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而且,据勒迈里说,在墓志铭中同时提及兄弟和父亲的名字显得“很不寻常”。Moreover, naming the brother as well as the father on an ossuary was "very unusual, " Lemaire says.

这样一个墓或骨瓮里提到的一个人,并不能证明这个人是真实存在。The mention of a character on such a tomb or ossuary does not prove that the person really existed.

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埃森曼也把耶稣的存在称为“一种非常不可靠的东西”,还说骨瓮的制造“太熟练了”。" Eisenman also called the existence of Jesus "a very shaky thing" and said that the ossuary find was "too pat.

这样一来,得到耶稣有骨罐的事实则同基督教信仰中耶稣复活升天堂的说法相矛盾。The very fact that Jesus had an ossuary would contradict the Christian belief that he was resurrected and ascended to heaven.

奥特曼这样的专家,能够断定雅各骨瓮的铭文明显是由两个不同的人写的。As such an expert, Altman was able to determine that the James ossuary inscription was clearly written by two different people.

有人认为一部分法国伟人,包括拉伯雷、罗伯斯庇尔等的遗骸就在此墓穴的某处。Some of France's greatest luminaries, including Rabelais and Robespierre, are believed to lie somewhere in the massive ossuary.

记载于藏骨棺上的家庭关系有助于专家,此铭文极与圣经中耶稣的兄弟雅各脱不了关系。The family relationships contained on the ossuary helped experts uncover that the inscription very likely refers to the biblical James, brother of Jesus.

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尽管这些热心的新闻网站使它看起来更像是另一回事,但是雅各的骨灰盒并非罕见,也没有必要把日期设置到公元63年。Although these enthusiastic newsbites make it seem otherwise, the James ossuary is not unusual, nor is it necessarily dated to the convenient year of 63 CE.

地下墓穴坐落于法国首都南部,这里在十八世纪晚期开始变成地下骨瓮,在那之前是废弃的矿道。Situated in the south of the French capital city, the Catacombs are an underground ossuary that began to be used in the late 18th century, previously being disused mines.

据历史记载,耶稣的坟墓是空的,不可能一个空坟墓被迁到另一个坟墓里,腐朽一年时间后,再把骨头放在一个骨灰盒里。By all ancient accounts, the tomb of Jesus was empty, making it highly unlikely that it was moved to another tomb, decayed for one year's time, and then the bones put in an ossuary.

在耶路撒冷,甚至有一个“詹森之墓”,连同一个骨瓮和一艘有刮痕的战舰,可以导致这样的结论,这是希腊神话中詹森的墓。In Jerusalem there is even a "Tomb of Jason, " complete with an ossuary and a scratched image of a warship, which could lead to the conclusion that this is the tomb of the Jason of Greek mythology.