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它是资本加权指数还是价格加权指数?Is the index capitalization weighted or price weighted?

指数所代表的流通股权市值有多少?What is the market capitalization represented by the index?

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如果禁用该插件,那么它将还原回普通的大小写的情况。If you deactivate your plug-in, it will revert to normal capitalization.

严格遵守包和类的命名约定和大小写约定。Rigorously follow package and class naming and capitalization conventions.

去年,苹果的市值和收入就已超过了微软。Lastyear, Apple surpassed Microsoft in market capitalization and in revenue.

在创办时,它要求成员国认购股份,提供资本金。When it was founded, members were required to subscribe to its capitalization.

阐述新旧会计准则对借款费用资本化的影响。On the influence of old new accounting postulates to borrowing costs capitalization.

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资本化暗示了文字中隐藏的意思,要继续在文中寻找。The capitalization hints that something is hidden within the words and to look further.

指市场总值较高的股票占较大权重的指数。An index in which greater weight is given to shares that have a larger market capitalization.

有没有尝试在整个行业的多元化群体或侧重于市值。There is no attempt to diversify across industry groups or to focus on market capitalization.

在管理好的高密植果园里,这个最初的高额成本可以很快收回。This high initial capitalization is rapidly amortized in the well managed high-density orchard.

集团股票在纽约证券交易所上市,市值约55亿美元。It is listed at the New York Stock Exchange with a current market capitalization of US5.5 billion.

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作为虚拟资本的股票价格不外乎是一种与利息率相关的股息收入的资本化。The stock price as the dummy capital is capitalization of stock interest related with interest rate.

他提出Q比率的概念,这是一个划分总市值消耗重置资产的公式。He devised the Q Ratio, a formula that divides total market capitalization by the cost of replacing assets.

从ASCII代码表中可以看到每一个小写字母比大写字母的ASCII码大32。From the ASCII code in the table can see each lowercase letters than the capitalization of the ASCII code 32.

悖论2—操作层面的悖论,即具体资本化率求取时的悖论。Paradox 2-the paradox in the level of operation, that is, the paradox inacquiring the concrete capitalization rate.

然而,公司在极端的组合没有系统不同方面的市值。However, the companies in the extreme portfolios do not systematically differ with respect to market capitalization.

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哈利波特和暮光之城的粉丝也可以挤进这个肮脏的关于荷尔蒙和可怜的小资的维恩图。Harry Potter and Twilight fans can also be stuffed into this sordid venn diagram of hormones and poor capitalization.

修改现金的基础上,包括一些内容从权责发生制为基础会计,如库存和财产的大小写。Modified cash-basis includes some elements from accrual-basis accounting such as inventory and property capitalization.

笔者希望本文对我国防止跨国公司资本弱化的行为略尽微薄之力。I hope this paper make some contribution to some extent in order to deter thin capitalization for multinational company.