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登陆月球的画面现场转播。The landing on the moon was telecast live.

该节目经由卫星以电视现场转播。The program was telecast live via satellite.

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该节目经由卫星以电视现场转播。The programme was telecast live via satellite.

天宫二号发射时,电视进行了现场直播。The Tiangong-2 launch was telecast live on state TV.

那有一场世界杯比赛的电视实况转播。There is a live telecast of World Cup match at the moment.

昨晚你看世界杯实况赛了吗?Did you watch the live telecast of the World Cup last night?

媒体摄影记者凑近了拍奥斯卡电视直播的舞台模型。Press photographers get close-ups of the Oscar telecast model.

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这一盛事将向近150个城市同时进行电视广播。The event will be telecast simultaneously to nearly 150 cities.

到了1948年晚期,20世纪福克斯电影新闻公司就开始采用电视的形式播出。Later in 1948, 20th Century-Fox Movietone News began to telecast the news.

也希望武汉赛马俱乐部的赛事可以通过转播让全世界的关注的人都能看得到。And hope that the racing in WJC will be lived telecast throughout the racing world.

周日晚上他还戴着黑色领带在好莱坞合作主持奥斯卡电视直播。On Sunday night he was in Hollywood, as co-host of the Oscar telecast in black tie.

2月的时候,他退出格莱美的表演计划。In February he backed out of a planned performance during the Grammy Awards telecast.

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为了给NBC的全国橄榄球联赛让路,去年的艾美奖在八月举行,比以往都早。It aired unusually early, in August, to make way for NBC's National Football League telecast.

信用差距——早间电视新闻与晚报之间同一条新闻发生的情况。Credibility gap — what happens to the same news between the morning telecast and the evening paper.

台湾电视新闻频道的激烈竞争,在视觉上有正面价值,也有负面的影响。Rivalry among Taiwan's TV channels is both beneficial and detrimental to visual effects of news telecast.

每年格莱美颁奖典礼都会向世界170多个国家的15亿观众进行电视直播。The Grammy Awards are telecast annually to an international audience of over 1.5 billion in 170 countries.

讨论了一个应用于电视广播设备的监测与控制的远程系统。A monitor and control system be applied to the long distance telecast equipments is discussed in this paper.

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事实上瑞士足球联赛有两个权力持有人,所有的直播比赛都是收费的,这是电视广播。The Swiss Football League has two right holders, actually for, for all live matches for Pay TV, it's telecast.

大会组委会决定把乡镇企业信息网作为会议实况转播的直播网站。Conference organizing committee decides to assign CCIDNET as the webcast website of live telecast of the meeting.

他将参加四朝早仪式结束额外的类别,在另一个四年期间转播。He will compete in four additional categories toward the end of the early ceremony, and in another four during the telecast.