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肯定不能。Almost certainly not.

我几乎什么也没做。I did almost nothing.

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我说是近乎赞美。I said almost praise.

这几乎是成本价。It is almost at cost.

我肺都快要气炸了!I'm almost to explode!

这几乎可说是搞偶像崇拜.It's almost cult-like.

午饭快准备好了。Lunch is almost ready.

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我差点杀了一个女孩!I almost killed a girl!

这简直是一场解脱。It was almost a relief.

街上空空荡荡的。It was almost deserted.

我们就快讲完了。We're almost done here.

不过简直能象猫一样看东汐。But almost as a cat sees.

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我几乎每天玩。I play it almost vry day.

几乎一个没剩。There's almost none left.

大约会有70华氏度。where it's almost 70, so.

我几乎要笑死了。I almost died of laughter.

我几乎要跟妈妈相骂了。I almost stormed at mamma.

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其实去角质的都差不多。In fact, almost all scrub.

是老了许多,现在连头几乎都秃了。Yes, he's almost bald now.

他几乎为这痛苦。He almost suffered from it.