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他对20世纪福音派运动的冲击是令人惊奇的。His impact is staggering on 20th century evangelicalism.

对上帝之爱的自由观点如今也渗透了许多福音主义。Liberal thinking about God's love also permeates much of evangelicalism today.

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但是,这种在福音派中的失调,不应该造成加尔文主义的失调。But this imbalance in evangelicalism should not lead to an imbalance in Calvinism.

论文主要研究的是现当代西方基督教福音派运动及其神学思想。The topic of this dissertation is a study on the thought of modem Christian Evangelicalism.

当代的福音派则藉著宗教的主观主义,来寻求一个与现代性妥协的道路。Contemporary evangelicalism has sought a middle way with modernity via religious subjectivism.

导致这个现象其中的一个原因,是把福音布道与信心的历史视角割裂。One of the contributing causes is the severing of evangelicalism from the historical perspectives of the faith.

福音教派及人道主义运动的发展,又为英国的帝国政策注入了新的内容。The evolution of Evangelicalism and the Humanitarian Movement gave the new spire to the British New Empire policy.

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你有没有关于中和福音主义和原教旨主义的影响,其他的分别不知道?Have you ever wondered about the difference between Fundamentalism and Evangelicalism and which influenced the other?

历史上改革宗神学已经成为福音主义的一支,对神的无上主权毫不怀疑。Reformed theology has historically been the branch of evangelicalism most strongly committed to the sovereignty of God.

现在它是美国第二大改革宗教派,结合了改革宗实践和现代福音主义。It is now the second-largest Reformed denomination in the U. S. There is a blend of Reformed practice and modern evangelicalism.

我们采取一种“温和”的真理一致理论,比一些较旧的福音派主义较少著重优胜的态度。We adopt a "chastened" correspondence–theory of truth that is less triumphalistic than that of some in the older evangelicalism.

凯里博士说福音主义倾向于不信任批判性学术研究,而是爱恪守传统的圣经释义。Dr carey said that evangelicalism tended to distrust critical scholarship preferring to cling to traditional interpretations of the bible.

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在过去,“福音派”是代表在不同传统的圣徒,在教会的大家庭里面的联系及合一运动。In the past it served as a bond of unity between Christians from a wide diversity of church traditions. Historic evangelicalism was confessional.

历代的“福音派”信仰是供认性,及坚信历代教会在会议,信经里所断定的重要真理。Historic evangelicalism was confessional. It embraced the essential truths of Christianity as those were defined by the great ecumenical councils of the church.

我们深切地关注一些传统福音派主义内的运动,它们似乎在削弱教会的生活和带领我们离开故有的信仰和实践。We have become deeply concerned about some movements within traditional evangelicalism that seem to be diminishing the church's life and leading us away from our historic beliefs and practices.

因此,为了我们对主耶稣基督的爱,福音舆教会,我们再重新肯切提倡对改教运动及历代“福音派”基要真理的委身。Because of this crisis and because of our love of Christ, his gospel and his church, we endeavor to assert anew our commitment to the central truths of the Reformation and of historic evangelicalism.