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无果油,面筋,大豆,燕麦或奶制品。No nut oils, gluten, soy, oat or dairy.

你看那落日,我还从没过比这更红的太阳呢。Look at Oat sunset I never saw one redder.

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燕麦青草拢盖田土。The green green oat grass cover the ground.

燕麦秆可作饲料和铺草。Oat straw is used for animal feed and Bedding.

脱皮后燕麦粉白度最高。The lightness of the polished oat flour is the highest.

其实莜麦即燕麦,莜面即燕麦粉。In fact, that is, naked oats oats , oat flour or Y plane.

正沿支气管蔓延的燕麦细胞癌。Oat bran was porphyrizd into cell-level ultramicro-power.

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对燕麦麸进行细胞级超微细粉碎。Oat bran was porphyrizd into cell-level ultramicro-power.

因此,我们就用了燕麦粉做很难吃的曲奇饼干和烙饼。Turns out, oat flour makes terrific cookies and pancakes.

那么,吃多少豆腐和燕麦麸才算有意义呢?How much more tofu and oat bran would it take to make a difference?

来一个弗洛斯蒂式的早晨,还是更多的以燕麦粥开始的一天,异或兰格诺拉燕麦卷?Was it a Frostie’s morning, or was it more of an Oat Crunchie’s day?

我把整个店都转遍了,可找不到燕麦片。I've been around the whole store, but I couldn't find any oat cereal.

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种富含可溶解纤维的植物,与燕麦糠相似,但有更多效用。A plant that's rich in soluble fiber, like oat bran, but more versatile.

该设备主要用于燕麦脱壳,供燕麦加工厂工艺流程中配套使用。The machine is mainly used for oat hulling in the oat processing factory.

燕麦是起源于我国一种古老作物,在我国广泛种植。Oat is an ancient crop originated from China, is widely planted in our country.

与此同时,公司还在与苏格兰的燕麦种植户合作,共同降低能源的消耗。The firm is also working with oat growers in Scotland to reduce their energy use.

麦二叉蚜只在夏茬燕麦叶部上发现,发生数量不大。Sch. graminum Ronda's number was very little, only was found on summer stubble oat.

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本课题以脱壳燕麦为原料,经石油醚提取得到燕麦油。This paper studied on oat oil from deshelled oat seeds by petroleum ether extraction.

但在这乳脂状的身体浴液被找到的可爱的气味是由于燕麦面粉。So the lovely scent that is found in this creamy body wash is because of the oat flour.

温特证明,这种活性物质从活的燕麦胚芽鞘扩散到凝胶中去。Went showed that this active agent diffused into gelatin from living oat coleoptile tips.