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我永远也不会屈服,她想。She will not grovel to anyone.

如果你自己卑躬屈膝,没有人会尊重你。If you grovel no one respects you.

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主人公们经历了争吵、流血、低声下气。The characters brawl, bleed and grovel.

倘若我真是暴君,他们就会俯伏在我的脚下了。Were I such they would grovel at my feet.

目瞪口呆,卑躬屈膝,并盯著阿里王子看!To gawk and grovel and stare at Prince Ali!

在他面前,各种场所的侍者和接待员都会卑躬屈膝Waiters and receptionists grovel before him.

他说他永远不会在征服者脚下摇尾乞怜。He said he would never grovel before a conqueror.

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像以往一样,印度要求世界匍匐在它的脚上。As usual, india demands the world grovel at its feet.

我想和她重温旧情,但我不会低三下四求她的。I want to get back with her. But I'm not going to grovel.

你只得低声下气地向银行经理借贷。You will just have to grovel to the bank manager for a loan.

一个人犯了错该向人道歉,但不应该卑躬屈节。A man apologizes when he’s wrong, but he will grovel before no one.

在苦苦挣扎了几个月后,我终于顿悟到自己应该在她面前卑躬屈膝才是。After struggling for months, it dawned on me that I needed to grovel.

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服务员和接待员在他面前毕恭毕敬,连警察也会敬他三分。Waiters and receptionists grovel before him. The police treat him with deference.

服务生和接待员们在他面前卑躬屈膝,警察对他区别对待。Waiters and receptionists grovel before him. The police treat him with deference.

你想拥有它?请不要卑躬屈膝。你通常怎样介绍自己?Would you like to have it? Please don't grovel. How do you usually introduce yourself?

但如果你期望我卑躬屈膝或抱歉,我认为你现在应该知道你讲话的对象错了。But if you expect me to grovel or apologize, I think you ought to know by now you're talking to the wrong woman.

我没想过求你。而事实上你这么做反而让我觉得你根本不知道你是在跟谁对着干。I wasn't going to grovel , and the fact that you even went there makes it clear you have no idea who you're dealing with.

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一个男子汉奴颜婢膝地讨好女人是违反自然的,女人与自然几乎有完全相同的反应!Behave, then, like a man! It is against Nature for a man to grovel. Women and Nature have almost exactly the same reactions!

我被作者的渊博的常识所折服,我心甘情愿拜倒在杰克·伦敦的脚下仰慕他的非凡的才华。I was the author of the profound sense of admiration, I am willing to grovel at the feet of Jack London is turning to his extraordinary talent.

我的工作报告一直压在它文件夹的最底端,经过几个月的心理斗争,我终于明白,在这个部门,她同那些递交工作报告的银行新手一样重要,我必须得低声下气。After struggling for months, it dawned on me that I needed to grovel. She was as important to the department as the snot-nosed junior banker giving her the work.