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“这是种族歧视,”我冷冷地说。"That's racist, " I said, halfheartedly.

美联储正在尝试新的改进措施,有点有心无力。The Federal Reserve is trying new ways of support, somewhat halfheartedly.

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当游戏变得这样简单我就开始失去兴趣并且开始敷衍了事了。My interest waned as the game became too easy and I began to play halfheartedly.

很多学生因为求职过程的劳心劳力而对其敷衍了事。Many students in the course of employment because of their dedicated and halfheartedly.

你们没有一个会三心两意,你们都有强壮、有力的信念。Neither of you do anything halfheartedly and you both have strong, powerful convictions.

如果您的内容写的文章有一半全心全意他们不会让你很注意。If your content articles are halfheartedly written they won't get you very much attention.

那些设计时就敷衍交差了事的车辆将最终为市场所淘汰。Ultimately, vehicles halfheartedly designed to meet a mandate would fail in the marketplace.

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我觉得自己肯定要倒霉了,带着这种想法,我又心不在焉地看了六个小时书。With the feeling that my luck had really run out, I halfheartedly studied for six more hours.

我不会半心半意地做事情,因为我知道要是我那样做,我能期待的仅仅是半心半意的结果。I don't do things halfheartedly. Because I know if I do, then I can expect half-hearted results.

“嘘。”我无奈地嘘他。爬上驾驶座,但愿他能坚持前一个提议。"Shh, " I shushed him halfheartedly . I climbed in the opened door, wishing he'd taken the other offer.

短暂休息以后,我们随意浏览了摆在大厅的一些旅游册子。After a brief rest we halfheartedly glanced through the tourist pamphlets liberated from the hotel lobby.

前面的草地上,父母亲友似听非听,低头看草,椅上犯困。On the front lawn, parents and relatives listen halfheartedly , stare at the ground, doze in their chairs.

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随着西门子不太情愿地开始压制腐败行为,经理们不断采取异乎寻常的措施以避免东窗事发。As Siemens halfheartedly clamped down on corruption, managers took ever more eccentric steps to avoid getting caught.

然而,法兰克斯却不太情愿执行这一命令,因为他的炮兵还没有到达进攻位置。Due to the slow march of his artillery support, Francois did not cooperate with orders and only attacked halfheartedly.

时任肯尼亚副总统的康巴族领袖卡隆佐。穆西约卡,信仰基督教重生教义,反对堕胎,只举办了一次有名无实的选举投票。Vice President Kalonzo Musyoka, a prominent Kamba leader and born-again Christian opposed to abortion, campaigned halfheartedly for a "yes" vote.

你是全心全意的实行这个计画,还是半途而废?在「上帝如何帮助我改变」的故事里,你还有未完的篇章吗?Did you approach the assignment wholeheartedly or halfheartedly -' Are there still unwritten chapters in your story of "How God Helped Me to Change"?

一年中此时的太阳发出微弱的光线,懒洋洋地透过薄薄的云层,没有一丝暖意。What sun there is this time of year shines weakly, halfheartedly through the white gauze of clouds, offering not even the slightest pretense of warmth.

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但因为你参加了爱情博士的训练课程,你直觉地知道她多花的那两秒钟意思是糟了,而且在她半心半意回答“可以”只前你就已经知道了。But since you've been on the Doc Love coaching program, you instantly knew that those two extra seconds that she took, even before she halfheartedly said "yes, " spelled trouble.