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干燥后润谷可减少裂纹的发生。While tempering after drying can reduced fissure Occurrence.

矿脉在固体结岩中用于填充裂缝的金属矿床。The metalliferous ore that fills a fissure in a rock formation.

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冰层边缘上的裂纹预示着那里将分裂产生一个新冰山。Fissure lines near the edge show where the next iceberg may calve.

这些小孔在许多鲨鱼中,是与眼窝的裂缝汇合。These foramina are confluent with the orbital fissure in many sharks.

裂隙是穿过表皮或深达真皮的线状损害。A fissure is a linear cleft through the epidermis, or into the dermis.

窝沟封闭的原理、适应症、步骤及注意事项?Principle , indication , steps and attention of pit and fissure sealant.

各岛是从洋底巨大裂隙喷发形成的火山岛。The island is huge fissure eruption of adjacent formation volcanic island.

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有一个叫费希尔的年轻人在一个裂缝中捞鱼。There was a young man called Fisher who was fishing for fish in a fissure.

同样消失在这个深达100米的地洞中的还有一座警察局。A police station has also disappeared into the giant 100-metre-deep fissure.

临床表现为周期性毛发折曲和裂隙。Theclinical manifestation showed the cyclic bending and fissure of the hair.

窝沟封闭能有效预防窝沟龋的发生。The pit and fissure sealant have significant preventive effect on carious teeth.

汾渭盆地是我国地裂缝发育最强烈的地区,地裂缝类型多样,成因复杂。The Fen-Wei basin is the most serious area of the ground fissure formation in China.

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含泥岩层中的泥质成分可以使裂隙水在衰减过程中表现出孔隙水的特征。Pelitic rock can make the fissure water act as the pore water in the release process.

通过睑裂的增长,可以形成一个大而张开的眼睛外形。The appearance of large-opened eyes was produced by lengthening the palpebral fissure.

积血主要在基底池、纵裂前上方和侧裂内。These were mainly in basal cistern, cerebral longitudinal fissure and Sylvian fissure.

目的探讨脑部脉络膜裂囊肿的MRI表现特点。Objective To investigate the MRI characteristics of choroid fissure cysts of the brain.

在此背景下,我们进行了东高地地区岩溶裂隙水补给途径的研究。Research on recharge ways of karst fissure water in Donggaodi area has been carried out.

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这是一个非常奇妙的山洞,可以利用绳索从一个地上的裂缝进入其中。This is an amazing cave that can be accessed througha fissure in the ground with a rope.

因此必须采取有效措施控制地下水超采,实现灌区农业的可持续发展、保护环境。In this paper, the effect of over development of groundwater on earth fissure is studied.

我过的双重生活被打破,永久性的裂痕终于撕裂开了。The double-life I'd be leading was shattered, a permanent fissure finally ripped through.