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“那无情的东西在作什么?”What is that apathetic being doing?

他似乎比以前更显得麻木不仁。Hurstwood seemed more apathetic than ever.

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我们由虐待逛主导或者忽视那些缺乏兴趣的人。We've been dominated by sadists, or ignored by the apathetic.

他并非完全对事实怀有敌意,只是没有关心到罢了。He is not exactly hostile to fact but he is apathetic about them.

他并非完全对事实怀有敌意,只是没有关心到罢了。He wasn't exactly hostile to facts but he was apathetic about them.

身材魁梧的小刘接受采访时完全没有吸毒者的萎靡。Tall and strapping Liu interviews of the drug did not make them apathetic.

问题是大多数的细胞依然无动于衷。The problem is that most of the cells are still apathetic or disempowered.

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这位人权事务高级专员谴责缅甸当局对“纳尔吉斯”强热带风暴造成的灾难无动于衷。The High Commissioner condemned Burma's apathetic response to Cyclone Nargis.

而如果没有改革,那些无动于衷的年轻人将面临令人乍舌的赋税压力。Without reform, however, those apathetic young voters face a crippling tax burden.

隐逸者消极地退缩到了自己的世界里,最终连他的自我也昏昏欲睡,不省人事。He becomes too withdrawn into himself in a negative way, ending in a lethargic apathetic self.

安娜也认识了对杨漠不关心的同屋主玛花,发现她为汽车公司作模拟撞击测试实验品为生。Martha, Jan's equally apathetic roommate, keeps her head above water as a human crash test dummy.

神,圣经是远远精神萎靡对于广大的人的痛苦,在世界上。The God of the Bible is far from apathetic in regard to the vast suffering of people in the world.

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工作过度的你会发觉你正变得疲累,暴躁和冷淡。Listen to your body. If you are working too much you will start feeling tired, cranky and apathetic.

这确实可喜可贺,可证中国人政治上并非天生冷感。This is indeed gratifying because it proves that Chinese are not naturally apathetic about politics.

是啊,现在参与投票的人越来越少,看起来投票人对政治体系相当冷漠。Sure, voter turnout has been dropping, and it might appear that voters are apathetic about the political system.

一些切除卵巢的妇女,他们在心理上会变得淡漠并在智力活动和道德感方面都有所损失。After extirpation of ovaries, women become apathetic and lose part of their intellectual activity or moral sense.

表面冷漠,内心却十分善良、智慧的云灯喇嘛,也被一场可怕的沙暴淹没了——又是沙葬!The protagonist, the seemingly apathetic but kind and wise Yundeng Lama, is buried alive in a terrible sandstorm.

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无产者本来对战争漠不关心,一时间也给激发起爱国主义热情来。The proles, normally apathetic about the war, were being lashed into one of their periodical frenzies of patriotism.

对男人来说,陷入焦虑、社交的局促不安、喜怒无常、绝望、冷漠的怪圈没有什么不正常的。It is not unusual for men caught in this cycle to feel anxious, socially ill-at-ease, moody, despairing, and apathetic.

而相反如果我们见死不救,哪怕她最后自己活下来了,我们也会愧疚一辈子。But if we are apathetic to save, even though the victim survives finally, we will feel guilty for the rest of our lives.