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应对该问题引起重视。Such problem was worthy of high watchfulness.

这种警惕并非长久没有报偿的。This watchfulness was not long without reward.

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这种犬的典型表情为警戒。The typical expression of the breed is one of watchfulness.

对孤独的警觉会暴露孤独本身。There is a watchfulness for the loneliness to reveal itself.

觉知是一种完整的观察。Mindfulness is an impartial watchfulness . It does not take sides.

面对陌生人时,眼睛中流露出警觉、保留,但决不害怕。Toward strangers the eyes should show watchfulness and reserve, but no fear.

你看不到它,所以你必须有很强的觉知去观照你的内在深处,这样的话你才可以找到那个连结。You cannot see it, so you have to go deep down with great awareness, watchfulness , witnessing, and you will find the connection.

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有时候是愤怒,有时候是欲望,有时候是野心,但是这些不会阻碍你的觉知。Sometimes there will be anger, sometimes there will be a desire, sometimes there will be an ambition, but they cannot disturb your watchfulness.

这样一来,他那寻求家庭幸福的美妙计划破产了,他那企图利用做女婿之便守在旁边不让沃尔特爵士续娶的美梦也破灭了。It deranged his best plan of domestic happiness, his best hope of keeping Sir Walter single by the watchfulness which a son-in-law's rights would have given.

「我们已经要求所有国家增加监视和警戒,所以我们能尽快发现这种病毒如何可以传播或不可以传播。」福田敬二说。"We have asked all countries to increase their surveillance and their watchfulness so we can detect as quickly as possible how this virus may or may not be spreading, " said Keiji Fukuda.