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炮弹把战舰炸碎了。The missile had blown the battleship asunder.

它是放荡不羁、跟社会生活没关系吗?Is it loosed and rent asunder from social life?

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把这片土地撕碎,不留活口!Tear this land asunder and leave only death in your wake!

全地的大锤何竟砍断破坏。How is the hammer of the whole earth cut asunder and broken!

天将为那日而破裂,真主的应许要实现的。Whereon the sky will be cleft asunder ? His Promise needs must be accomplished.

玛丽·都铎统治了英格兰五年,整个国家四分五裂,到处充满恐惧、仇恨、和血腥屠杀。She had ruled for five years and the realm was torn asunder with hatred and fear and bloodshed.

我带着你的宝剑来斩断我的羁勒,在世界上我将没有畏惧。Thy sword is with me to cut asunder my bonds, and there shall be no fear left for me in the world.

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舒尔茨先生想把星巴克和出生寒微的作为咖啡店的星巴克之间的联系打碎。Mr Schultz wants to burst asunder the bonds created by Starbucks’s humble origins as a coffee shop.

可是现在我看到却是那些被某些强大力量摧毁得支离破碎的山头。Instead, I stand here looking at a mountain that has been torn asunder byl some extraordinary force.

我们如果分歧对立,就会一事无成——因为我们不敢在争吵下休、四分五裂时迎接强大的挑战。Divided, there is little we can do--for we dare not meet a powerful challenge at odds and split asunder.

我们如果分歧对立,就会一事无成--因为我们不敢在争吵不休、四分五裂时迎接强大的挑战。Divided there is little we can do -- for we dare not meet a powerful challenge at odds and split asunder.

我们如果分歧对立,就会一事无成--因为我们不敢在争吵不休、四分五裂时迎接强大的挑战。Divided there is little we can do, for we dare not meet a powerful challenge at odds and split us asunder.

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倘若分裂,我们则无可作为,因为我们在意见分歧、各行其是的情况下,是不敢应付强大挑战的。Divided, there is little we can do -- for we dare not meet a powerful challenge at odds and split asunder.

乔回来后在抱起她时,发现她身旁的地上有一副逃犯的脚镣,看上去是被人用锉子锉开的。And on the ground beside her, when Joe picked her up, was a convict's leg-iron which had been filed asunder.

我又折断称为联索的那根杖,表明我废弃犹大与以色列弟兄的情谊。Then I cut asunder mine other staff, even Bands, that I might break the brotherhood between Judah and Israel.

在悔恨和砒霜的折磨下死去。Roderigo rent his chains asunder manfully, and Hugo died in agonies of remorse and arsenic , with a wild, "Ha! Ha!"

上述产品为通常条件下使用的产品,不适用一些特殊条件的场合,如水下,船用,核电站等。This product is the normal used cable, not suitable for some special places, such asunder water, ship, nuclear station, etc.

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天灾的士兵,听从我的号令!血色天启已经开始!撕碎蹂躏这片土地直到你们所经之处只留下死亡!Armies of the Scourge, hear my call! The scarlet apocalypse has begun ! Tear this land asunder and leave only death in your wake!

每过一年,也就是十五个地球年,两个星球就会距离最近而导致那克土恩火山的大运动和地震的大爆发。Once every Nocturne year, some fifteen Terran years long, the two worlds approach so closely that Nocturne is almost torn asunder.

一个声音传来,似乎是那个狂派愤怒的嚎叫,也可能只是空气被撕裂的尖啸。There is what sounds like a howl of outrage from the Decepticon, or it might just have been the screech of the air being rent asunder.