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从这里步行15分钟就能抵达Duomo大教堂。The Duomo is a 15-minute walk away.

图示为杜奥莫大教堂广场上的意大利警官。An Italian police officer in Milan's Duomo square.

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大教堂的乌菲齐和奇迹是几步之遥。Wonders of the Uffizi and Duomo are a stroll away.

中央大教堂由年代久远的条纹大理石建成。The Duomo was made of ancient striped marble, and St.

抵达市中心广场有点另人难以置信。Arriving in Piazza del Duomo was something incredible.

Duomo大教堂和中央火车站距离酒店仅5分钟的步行路程。The Duomo and main railway station are a 5-minute walk away.

据估计,到现在这个圆顶依然是最大的石造圆顶。By some estimates, the Duomo remains the largest masonry dome today.

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新的BWIN总部面对大教堂的绝妙包厢。The new Bwin headquarters faces the Duomo with this marvellous balcony.

然而,最让人印象深刻的明显就是米兰大教堂或者称多姆大教堂。However, the most impressive feature is obviously the Milan Cathedral or Duomo itself.

我穿过但丁路直接前往米兰最著名的大教堂广场。I travelled down the Via Dante towards the most famous area within Milan – the Piazza del Duomo.

有人曾经建议我在米兰主教教堂组织庆祝活动,他们以为只会有1000-2000名球迷出席。Someone told me to organise the event at the Duomo , thinking about a presence of 1000-2000 people.

主教府宽阔的大理石台阶上,散布着一群群的乞丐和聊闲天的人。On the broad marble steps of the duomo there were scattered groups of beggars and gossiping talkers.

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大教堂是探索米兰城的最好起点和散步观光历史遗迹的中心点。The duomo is best place to begin exploring the city and is within strolling distance of dozens of historic sites.

现在是半下午,正好是时候进入大教堂广场,它被认为是米兰最壮观最出名的区域。It was now early afternoon and time to enter the Piazza del Duomo – regarded as the most famous and spectacular area in the city.

而正是在伊曼纽尔二世长廊,这条连接了教堂广场和斯卡拉剧院的商业街上建造这座临时展览馆。It is the Galleria Vittorio Emanuele, the shopping arcade that connects Piazza Duomo and Piazza La Scala, where this pavilion is going to get build.

1478年在佛罗伦萨大教堂对梅第奇兄弟的暗杀行动是那个时代阴谋横行的缩影。The attempted assassination of the Medici brothers in the Duomo in Florence in 1478 is one of the best-known examples of the machinations endemic to the age.

当旅行者渴望探索,米兰最珍贵的历史遗迹都只是从酒店的步骤,让客人选择他们的冒险为他们请的时间在城里的房子大教堂。When travelers desire to explore, Milan's most prized historical sites are just steps from the hotel, allowing guests to choose their adventures as they please during their time at Town House Duomo.