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还有午睡时的静寂。There is the silence of the siesta.

为什么我午睡起来后头晕沉沉的?Why of heavy of the dizziness after my siesta rises?

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西班牙首届国家午睡锦标赛正在马德里举行。Spain's first national siesta championship is being held in Madrid.

这可能就是午后犯困的主要原因了。This effect might be the main reason for the desired post-lunch siesta.

佛罗里达的西耶斯塔海滩以其世界第一白而闻名。Florida's Siesta Beach is known for having the whitest sand in the world.

我们在上午的时候精力最旺盛,而下午想睡个午觉也很正常。Our energy peaks mid-morning, and it’s natural to want a siesta in the afternoon.

下午两点,午睡组睡90分钟,而不午睡组保持清醒。At 2 pm, the nap group took a 90-minute siesta while the no-nap group stayed awake.

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流线型的躺椅,夏日里可是舒适午睡不可少的伴侣。Clipper-built deck chair, comfortable siesta can be in summer cannot little spouse.

拉斯迪亚拉犯了迷糊将球传给了对手。Lassana Diarra was caught taking a siesta and passed the ball right to the opposition.

飞机冲入卧室的时候,罗伯托·门德斯正在午睡。Roberto Mendez was taking his afternoon siesta when the plane crashed into his bedroom.

一只巨大的蓝苍鹭即将到来的潮汐中搜寻它的食物——鱼,摄于2009年佛罗里达州萨拉索塔的午后的沙滩。A great blue heron searches for fish on the incoming tide at Siesta Beach in Sarasota, Florida, in 2009.

你能习惯于一个每个下午都休业两小时的小镇吗?Can you get accustomed to a small town where all businesses take a siesta for two hours in the afternoon?

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当我住在这里的时候,我开始意识到午睡是极其重要的,特别是在炎炎夏日。While living here I’ve come to realize that the siesta is essential to life, especially during the summer.

午饭后我们在酒店里午睡了一会儿,我们走了五个钟头路而且还没倒过时差啊。After lunch we both had a siesta in the hotel because we'd walked for 5 hours and we were still jet-lagged.

这时正是人们困倦或午睡的时候,大部分的人精神低落。This time "coincides with the afternoon dip, or siesta time, a time where most people are sleepier," says Axelsson.

1942年12月7日,黑猩猩“库达布”在士兵的帆布床上午睡,头盔充当了它的枕头。Kudabu, Chimpanzee mascot of the U.S. Engineers in Liberia, takes her siesta on a soldier's cot using his helmet as pillow.

另外,你需要午睡,因为从下周起我们要开始讨论关于如何应对感冒,现金流困窘等问题。And you’re going to need your siesta since next week we start talking about what to do with cold, hard cash, or the lack of it.

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结果发现,葡萄糖抑制了促食素细胞的作用,或许这就是人们午餐后需要小睡的主要原因。Turns out that glucose blocks the function of the orexin cells. This effect might be the main reason for the desired post-lunch siesta.

指急需昼寝以补充体力的情形,这种时辰凡是咖啡已经不管用了。When one is in a desperate need for a siesta because they become extremely tired in the afternoon and coffee isn't cutting it any longer.

举办方还表示,由于本次赛事获得的成功,他们打算以后每年继续举办午睡大赛,并且在国外开展不同的版本。Given the success of the siesta contest, the association is planning to repeat the event in the future and hold editions outside of Spain, he added.