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颓废倘若是催眠曲。If it is decadent lullaby.

他是个颓废派的成员。His face was a decadent face.

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它很颓废,并且令人难以置信。It's decadent. And it's fabulous.

带一份浓郁的或微甜的咖啡回家Bring home good coffee or a decadent sweet.

这座颓废的城市,生活在这破败的陋室里。In this decadent city, living in a rattrap.

颓圮的墙,还有,杂草丛生的墙角。Decadent injure the walls, and, weedy corner.

别让腐朽的思想侵蚀你。Don't let decadent ideas eat into yourselves.

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广藿香,香,香根草的腐朽的基调。Decadent base notes of Patchouli, Incense and Vetiver.

擦上深紫色,我要走性感颓废风!This deep, decadent shade is the best purple ever, okay!

颓废是种心理状态还种生活状态?。Decadent be kind of mentation return kind of life condition?

这首歌曾经被认定为是靡靡之音而被禁止播放。This song was once banned, because it was regarded as decadent.

颓废是种心理状态还种生活状态?为什么?。Decadent be kind of mentation return kind of life condition? Why?

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时至近代,满清王朝腐朽没落。At the modern times, the Ching dynasty was decadent and declining.

我知道释怀需要时间,我想微寒便是我想要的结果。I know I'm not tired, I also know I decadent is she wanted results.

别让那些资产阶级的颓废思想充斥你的头脑。Don't congest your mind with those decadent ideas of the bourgeoisie.

自2000年以来的传统节目,一次比一次堕落。A tradition since the year 2000, each one more decadent than the last.

清教徒们建立的制度有很多问题,但是它本身并不会自甘堕落。The Protestant establishment had many failings, but it was not decadent.

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到了17世纪,他们衰落了,仅限于狂欢节之用。In the 17th century, they were ruled decadent and relegated to Carnevale.

自唐时李杜归去,颓废文坛,再无才出。When self-Tang Li and Du returning, decadent literature, no longer only a.

懒洋洋,和空气一样轻,甜点打顶不能没有它。Decadent yet light as air, it just isn't dessert without this rich topping.